Part 1: The Start Chapter 1:

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My vision was vague and unclear. I felt pain rush up my spine as I struggled for breath.

I tried to get clammy hands from my neck as someone continuously slammed by back against a wall.

"Why are you here?! Why did they send you here?!" a female yelled repeatedly.

My mind overflowed with confusion. My body ached and rushed with a growing pain.

My vision started to make sense of my surroundings. To my left there was a group of girls, dis including the girl holding me against a wall. The rest of the girls stood and watched.

Suddenly, her hand sent pain through my face as she punched my right eye, causing a burst of pain.

I felt my eyes begin to water as I confusedly yelled, "I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know how I got here!"

And it was true. I could understand my surroundings, however, I couldn't comprehend where or how I knew what the things were. Even where I had seen them before my arrival. It was just a familiar blur.

The girl was ready to add a punch to the collection under my eye when a medium lengthed, black haired girl interrupted with, "Allyana! Stop! She doesn't know what's going on! She got here just like all of us!"

The one holding me, Allyana I assumed, released her grip.

Allyana gave me a hated glare before taking a step back and saying, "Katelyn, they put her here for a reason. Think about it, we've never had an early female arrival!"

The black haired girl, Katelyn, stepped toward me. In fear, I stepped back. All I could feel traveling through my veins was fear. Confusion too. I didn't know where I was, or how I got here, but I did.

The air around me was thick and hot. I knew by the feeling that I was outside, even though the sky was a solid blue. I could feel and understand the environment; I couldn't understand the sudden wake to the unfamiliar environment.

"Your name? Can you tell me your name?" asked Katelyn. I looked around me, walls, towering over us. And tall metal sheets, thick and standing taller than the walls that enclosed us within them.

The sheets were a copper tone with rust in the corners. Within the walls, were us and a forest terrain.

"Jordyn, my name is Jordyn," I replied. When I spoke, my throat screamed with pain. Almost as if I had been screaming and yelling for hours before hand.

"All right, Jordyn, you're in Survival. We all got here the same way you did, we're just not sure how we got here. I'm Katelyn," said the dark haired girl. She seemed so calm, too calm. Her tan skin glowed in the hot sun with sweat.

It must have been late in the afternoon, based on the sun's position in the sky.

Then, Allyana grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me toward her. She kicked both my legs from behind; I fell hard and felt her weight hold my shoulders down. My body was already in pain and she just made it worse.

"Tell us what you know," she said as she pulled a knife and put it to my throat, "everything you know."

I was overflowing with fear at the sight of the blade. I couldn't risk it, however, I don't know what I knew. All I knew was that I needed to get out of the situation.

At that moment, I sent my elbow to Allyana's arm. A burst of fear and anger sent my mind to a moment of escape.

She released the knife, giving me the chance, I kneed her back. Everything was happening in seconds, I didn't have time to come up with a better plan. I grabbed her shoulders from behind and pulled her to the side.

I was able to get free so I started running. I didn't know where but I ran.

The tall metal sheets blurred around me. Everything zoomed past and turned into a blur of colors.

The metals sheets smelt of rust and were not pleasing to the eye as I passed then, one after another.

Then I noticed a creaking sound becoming louder. It startled me and I felt a chill run down my spine. The sound increased in volume and hurt my ears.

I came to a hault. The metal sheets were... moving. My eyes searched around me in panic.

I can't believe I'm about to do this.

I whipped around to the girls. To my surprise, I had ran further than I thought. One of the girls had her hands cupped around her mouth. She stood small in the distance. She was shouting something but I was too far to understand. I raised my hand in confusion and she turned to the rest of the girls.

There was only one problem, the rest of the girls were running.

The lone girl motioned her arms towards the running group. She had began running full speed behind the other girls.

I'm supposed to be following them!

I turned to my right and ran with all my speed. My breath lost panic and gained concentration. I was straining my body. My knees were weak but I knew I had to keep going. My thoughts couldn't understand why we were all running, that is until I noticed the metal sheets began to form walls.

They turned as they screamed with a creaking sound. The metal sheet's sides met and connected to form the walls, enclosing whoever had yet to pass them.

An overwhelming surge of panic pulsed through my veins.

I was very confused, should I trust these people? I had only existed in my mind for five minutes and I've already had a knife to my throat.

Allyana seemed unwelcoming but Katelyn seemed the exact opposite. Something was awfully strange about the situation.

I noticed the group of running girls had stopped. They weren't far from where I was running.

They all eagarly waved and cheered me to run faster.

Do they want me to trust them?

I Looked to my left to see a few other girls running towards the group too. Some were in front of me and one was trailing a while back behind.

The group of girls cheered in all directions. I realized that they thought that this wasn't a game. They really wanted us to make it before the metal sheets formed walls.

The group was shouting loudly as they began... growing. I noticed that the group of girls, was now growing with boys as well. Running to them as well, and yelling as well.

The sheets in front of me were beginning to turn, I wasn't going to make it before the sheets shut me from the group.

My speed couldn't increase and for some instinctive reason, I wanted to make it. I tried to widen my strides, I needed to meet the group. They were so close. I felt dedicated to get passed the metal sheets so I could join the group, to learn about my arrival.

The walls were about to block me from the group when I heard foot steps gaining behind me as they hit the concrete floor.

"This might hurt a bit!" I heard a male voice yell. It was as if the voice was right on my footsteps.

The minute I turned my head, I felt shoulders hit my lower back, sending me right past the final walls and into the group. Pain grew in my lower back as my neck snapped back and my body jumped ahead of my feet. Within a second the air left my body, leaving me on the ground, past the metal sheets.

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