Chapter 23:

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I went back into the eating area, deciding whom to bring with me.

Who else needs this?

Out of the random thought, I walked to Jed. Jed was still eating, slowly consuming the remaining cookies left on his tray.

The other Conquerors about him were devouring their food, along with the food that remained on the other trays. As for Max, he no longer had food to eat and he didn't eat any more food.

I approached Jed slowly, whispering in his ear, "You need to come with me."

Jed turned to face me. His face filled uncertainty and annoyance.

"Why?" he returned in a whisper. I quickly glanced at Max, who was giving me an odd look.

"Madame Lambert... She has film from Survival... of us," I whispered once more.

Jed's body seemed to have frozen. He didn't speak any words for several moments, staring into space.

Max seemed suspicious. "What's going on? Is everything all right?" he asked with a slight hesitation.

"Madame Lambert needs Jedediah and I for a little while. It's about Survival," I tried to reply. Max seemed to have noticed the doubt in my voice. He continued to stare at me oddly but didn't push anymore.

I looked from Max to Jed. Jed was shaking his head slightly. I wonder if Alice is talking to him. What is she saying?

"Okay, let's go," Jed replied with sternly. I nodded at him, then at Max who had doubt remaining on his face.

"In the mean time, Maximus," I spoke more controlling, "make sure the Conquerors slow down. They're going to each too much and before they know it, they'll be puking it back up." Max returned my statement with a nod.

Then, I led Jed through the door where Madame Lambert stood waitng for us. Madame Lambert smiled, acknowledging Jed.

The two of us followed her through the busy crowd. We continued to bumped people, but we were becoming better at avoiding them.

I walked with uncertainty. Jed nor I had known what to expect. I was oddly desperate to see the film however. Something about the idea of seeing Survival once more was lingering in my mind. I walked with hesitation but didn't let that stop me.

Madame Lambert led us to a silver door that I hadn't noticed before. It was slim and worn down. Madame Lambert walked through the door without hesitation.

On the other side of the door was a well lit, short hallway with few doors; I was getting better at assuming where the doors would be with my sightless eye.

We followed her to the first door on the right and to the left of the door was a silver plaque that said:

Filming: Section 124, Survival

Madame Lambert walked through the door, followed by Jed. I wasn't so eager to enter however. I hesitated before walking into the room, taking a shaky breath through my nose.

The room was set up like a home theater. There was a giant screen and what seemed like desks in lines. The lighting was low and dark, matching the cold air of the room.

"Be seated, and I will play what we call 'Main Clips.' It will be the most important clips from Survival. It will begin shortly," Madame Lambert spoke before exitting the room.

Jed and I stared at the closed door for a moment. Something inched in my system.

The realization hit me; I would see Faye again. I would see Will again. I was surprised at how afraid I was to see them again.

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