Chapter 28: Lambert & Eppinette

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"It needs to be terrifyingly smart. It must be the most advanced creature we have ever created," Eppinette spoke to Lambert.

The two were in a dark room with a single table and two chairs. They were sitting at the table, taking very many notes. Lambert had also been sketching and coloring as well, pencils and markers covering the table.

"I couldn't agree more. It can not be too similar in appearance to the Mutator. I'm thinking more... beast-like," Lambert spoke. "Look at this."

Lambert showed Eppinette one of her sketches. On the paper was the out line of a face, as well as a profile of the body.

"Fangs... Rows of them, like the Mutator. Prehaps we make its jaw lock?" he asked to her.

"Sounds fantastic. I want it to have horns as well. Something to add fear. We need fear to play a large roll," Lambert replied with. Eppinette nodded in agreement.

They continued writting and sketching several images.

"I've got an idea. An idea for the creature's...mind," Lambert said suddenly, her voice filling with excitement.

"And that would be?"


We have studied fear in the mind well enough. We should put it to use...

What if we could make the new creature sense... the fear."

Eppinette stared at her in awe. He looked at her as though she was a mad genius. It was a wonderful idea and he knew it would be exactly what they needed. It would be a masterpiece.

The virus was almost perfect. And the two of them knew so. They would make history.

"Do you think the trials will work?" Lambert asked quietly, suddenly becoming serious.

Several moments passed as Eppinette thought of a response.

"We are creating a new world. A world of peace. No fear. No anger... no more pain," Eppinette whispered.

Lambert could not agree more.

It would be perfect.

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