Chapter 15:

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The door creaked open slowly, revealing a blue-ish light from the other side. I pushed it open further, pointing my gun upwards.

Be careful, said Nathan in a whisper.

No joke, I replied with sarcastically.

I took a step forward and heard an extremly familiar voice when I entered.

"Welcome Conquerors... survivors," it was Dr. Hugo.

I instantly pointed my gun at her, aiming it to the best of my ability.

I could hear the other Conquerors entering the room, pointing weapons and such the minute that they saw Dr. Hugo. All of us with the same urge to end her.

The room around us was large, lit by many blue-ish white lights. Computers lined the four walls of the room, making it brighter. There was a single door behind Dr. Hugo, matching the one we entered. The doors seemed parallel to each other. In fact, the room seemed to mirror itself, being split horizontally.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Congratulations! I didn't expect you all to escape so soon. It's incredible," said Dr. Hugo, cheer and her accent filling her words.

The Conquerors spoke nothing to her, breathing an uncertain anger. We stared at her, expecting our eyes to melt her or make her disappear. An odd anger running through us.

Dr. Hugo rolled her eyes before turning her back to us and facing the opposite door. "Men, it's time." Dr. Hugo spoke loudly.

We realized immediately that she was talking to someone on the other side of the door. We stiffened, not knowing of whom she was talking to.

I stepped back, pulling Faye behind me. Max and Jed stood closer to me. A certain fear creeped into our systems.

Suddenly, dozens of men dressed in black from head to toe walked in. Each one of them carried two bags, one in each hand. The bags were big, large enough to fit a body. They were and ugly, brown shade with a black strap. But at the same time, the bags seemed too...odd. As if they were only for show.

"No one is going to hurt you, put your weapons down. Put them on the floor and slide them to us. Don't worry about my men, they can not touch a single one of you. These men carry a change of clothing for you all. The sooner the weapons are down, the sooner we can stitch you up and heal you," Dr. Hugo annouced to us, her accent stretching in some words.

Something about her tone was unnatural.

Not a single Conqueror had spoken. We remained with our weapons drawn, waiting.

Several minutes past, locking us in silence. I couldn't tell if we were too brave to move, or too afraid. Either way, we weren't going to move.

When I heard metal hit the floor behind me, I prepared to fire my gun. However, I quickly turned around to see that little Faye had put her gun down.

"It's okay Jordyn... We are safe," Faye said in a whisper. I stared at her for a moment. I watched as she kicked her gun to Dr. Hugo and her men.

Something made me want to reach for the gun, to stop it before it was out of reach.

"Come on. Superhero, remember?" Faye said, louder.

She pulled my arms down, making the gun face the floor. I stared at her for a moment, watching a certainty grow in her eyes.

Faye walked passed me, now standing in front of me. She smiled as she pulled a small pocket knife out of her boot, placed it on the floor, and kicked it away. The same urge to grab the knife had come through me.

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