Chapter 17:

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Watching the memories was an odd sensation. We were conscious and not at the same time. I could hear everything going on around me as well but I could not see any of it.

The memories. It was like watching a film inside our minds. Everyone was in each others minds, allowing no privacy.

We watched and learned the pasts of our fellow Conquerors, suddenly knowing what they used to be. It was easy seeing the memory of the other Conquerors. But I knew that it wouldn't stay that way.

The first Conqueror's memory was Mia's, someone I hadn't noticed or met until that night.

The first thing we learned were their names; they flashed through our minds like flashcards: Mia... Loren... Green.

Then their ages, followed by birthdays: 16 years old... August 21, 2142.

Afterwards, it was the family: Mia had three bothers and the four of them lived their mother.

The memories, of course, were the memories in the time. Mia was sixteen now, but her last memories were from when she was fourteen. What ever happened to the memories between then was unknown.

The last thing we got was a short, clip-like memory:

Mia was at the dinner table, she ate bread and soup. Her family talked about work. Mia was the youngest in her family, yet, she worked in a factory.

Realizations started, we realized how horrible the world had become. Children having to work in order to maintain their family. Adults forced to work for the "higher class." Families being abused by their "Masters." Wars tearing the world apart. Murders and thieves living on the streets, causing chaos and havoc.

Then it was back to Mia at the dinner table, talking about her work and plans for the next day.

Her memory was over after that, moving to the next Conqueror.

I could hear the gasps emitting from Mia as she had awoken from her memory, her mind continuing to fill with the rest of her life and leaving us to wonder about the rest.

The next Conqueror was a kid named Julian Robert Stewart. 17 years old, born January 7, 2141. He was sixteen in his memories.

Julian was in the military. Serving for the world that tortured his family. He had no one left, his family was murdered in cold blood.

He woke with panic breaths, yelling at himself and screaming words of hatred as he remembered.

Then it was Eli Jason Hall, 17 years old, born March 3, 2141. Eli was twelve in his memories.

Eli was a personal slave to his family's Masters. He was abused, beaten for deeds he did not do. His younger sister was horrificly used by the men of the Masters. Their Masters forced them to live in a closet barely big enough to fit one body in.

When Eli woke, he screamed with anger. I couldn't blame him; it must be horrible to remember what was once reality.

Six more Conquerors went before it was Jed's turn.

I couldn't see him, but I could tell how stressed he'd become. I knew that he wasn't bleeding anymore, for my own wounds were healed at this point; the Intakes working quickly through our bodies, giving us strength.

Jed's memory started like the rest of them.

Jedediah Ezekiel Smith. 19 years old, born September 25, 2139. Jed was fifteen in his memories.

The memory played through my mind as if I was Jed in the situation, living it through his eyes.

Jed was walking through a dark hallway. The hallway was poorly lit, emitting a weak yellow light.

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