Chapter 26:

20 2 0

Everything came in flashes.

First I was being dragged by the arms. My legs we running along a dark flooring. My head was throbbing. I tried looking around me but everything had grown dark. I was unsure if I was in a room or a hallway. But it wasn't long before I was unconscious again...

The next time I had opened my eyes, I was strapped to a seat. There was a bright light in my face and the muffling of words around me. My head throbbed with pain.

I turned my head to my left to see Jed strapped down as well. I slowly looked to my right to see Max strapped too. I heard a sound of pain and felt some of my own. Then everything went black once more.

Afterwards, I woke yet again. "23...Beast...Therron...
Resistance," were the only words I could make out it a muffled silence.

I looked down to my feet to see that I was still strapped down.

"Wipe her out," a voice had said sharply. I watched as I was given a red injection to my left arm. And once more, I was out.

I should have known.

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