Chapter 5:

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I felt my body tighten, my head was throbbing and a sharp pain shot through my nose. I was sweating badly as I felt sweat trickle down the side of my forehead. My body ached from my muscles tensing. Everything was blury; white spots blinded my sight.

"Jordyn, take it easy," said a distant voice.

I couldn't take it easy, I couldn't move. It felt like something was holding my arms and legs down. My body twitched on the hard forest floor.

"What's going on? Why can't I move?!" I shouted, desperate for help.

A hand covered my mouth. I remained blind and panicked.

My eyes finally cleared and I saw Jed hovering over me with his hand on my mouth. "Stop shouting. Someones here. Someone from the outside," he said in a whisper.

Jed stood and lifted his hand from me. Carefully he slipped his arms arounding me, lifting me from the ground.

I was limp in his arms, my body hanging like dead wait. He walked and took me to a rock standing to his waist.

Jed placed me down and kneeled behind the rock next to me. I sat with my back against the rock. Jed was slightly looking over the dark, gray rock and breathing quietly.

I still couldn't move my limbs. I had lost any ability that I had to move my them.

"Jedediah, what's going on?" I asked quietly.

He looked at me and said, "Someone from the outside. There were a lot of them actually. They started calling your name. We didn't know what it meant so I went looking for you. When I found you, you were shaking, unconscious yet awake by the water. You had a bloody nose too.

I don't know what they want.

Look Jordyn, we don't know if they want to hurt you. If they want to hurt us. We have to stay hidden until they leave. Will wants to attack. We are still trying to figure something out."

I looked around me and noticed that everyone was hiding in the trees. Everyone else was ducking and waiting quietly for something to happen.

I don't know these people and they don't know me, and yet, they're protecting me.

I need to protect them.

"Let me talk to them. Maybe I can figure something out," I suggested quietly.

"Would you shut it?" Jed hissed.

"But Jed-"

"Jordyn, be quiet!" he snapped.

I thought for a minute overthinking a quick and made up plan. Then, with incredible insanity, I screamed as loud as I could, "I'M HERE! OUTSIDERS, I'M HERE!"

Jed shot me a look. He swung his arm to cover my mouth.

"Are you insane?!" he shouted at me.

I felt my body gaining strength. All at once, I regained my abilitly to move. I stood and ran, hearing Jed shout, "Jordyn stop!"

I continued to run. Confusion over took me again, but I continued to run.

Don't risk the members, run to the complete strangers that showed up out of nowhere. Great plan, genius.

I heard the gasps and shouts from the other members around me. I even heard someone shout, "Traitor!" and that word again, "Tromper."

When I reached the tree line, morning light blinded me.

Had I been in shock for a whole night?

I saw five men and one woman dressed in all black standing in front of me. They were all in suits, including the woman. Her suit seemed unfitted, bulky in places. Her men had black hair and pale skin. But the woman herself had a light brown hair and ivory skin. Her hair was slicked back into a braided bun.

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