Chapter 30:

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I couldn't see anything but my eyes were open and things were bright. I knew they were open and I knew I was conscious. I was just unable to comprehend my situation however.

I blinked repeatedly. I was able to understand that I was sitting upright. I was in a chair that shook as well. No, I was able to tell my situation.

I was blinded. There was a brown-ish colored bag over my head. It allowed very little light to enter, and what entered was bright and blinding.

A rough rope tied my hands behind my back. The thick rope was tearing away my flesh, leaving my wrists feeling raw.

I was wearing heavy shoes. I was only in a thin shirt and thick pants. And from what I could tell, we were in a vehicle. I shook as the vehicle moved.

Breathing in the bag was limited and difficult, but not impossible. Then something nudged my right side. I immediately jumped. I wasn't expecting it to happen.

"Who's there...?" asked a voice in whisper. To my surprise, I recognized the voice. It was Jedediah.

"It's me, Jordyn," I replied in a low whisper, "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure. I can't remember anything past when we were eating that day. Can you remember anything?" Jed asked quietly.

I tried to think back, but I couldn't remember anything either. The last thing I remember was eating next to Max and Jed.

"No, that is what I remember too," I said.

I heard a gasp come from in front of me. I realized the vehicle we were in was much larger than I had expected.

The gasp was low and panicked, but louder than I expected. "Who's there?" I ask, mimicing Jed.

The voice spoke in a rough whisper, "Max."

I left a relieved sigh emitted from my mouth. I leaned forward a bit, rubbing my shoulder along the seat in front of me.

"Maximus, do you remember anything?" I asked a bit louder than I had intended to.

"Just when we were eating. That's the last thing I can think of," Max replied.

I heard Jed sigh. I leaned back, closing my eyes. I tried to focus.

Think. What's going on around you? Think.

"Allyana?" I asked loudly. I heard several shifts and jumps.

There are many people here.

"Why are you shouting Tromper?" I heard her reply sarcastically.

"What's the last thing you-"

"Hey! You back there! Shut your mouths!" a loud male voice shouted in the distance. Everyone instantly went silent. I clenched my teeth.


"Jedediah-" I tried to speak.

"I said to shut your damn mouths!" the voice shouted louder this time. I growled in frustration.There was no way anyone was going to get another word out.

I tried to focus more. I put my thoughts into orders.

Think. I tried slipping my hands through the rope. It hurt as it continued to pull and wear at my raw skin.

I began an almost silent whisper, "Jedediah-"

"That's it! You! Jordyn, let's go!" the voiced shouted louder. I was confused.

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you!" I shouted back. I wasn't sure of my plan, but arguing bought me more time.

"Stall," I heard Jed say quietly.

I continued to move my hands around the rope. Finally, I got one hand free. Then I worked to get the other.

"Let's go! This is your stop!" the male voice yelled. "I have a very busy schedule!"

"I'm not leaving this seat!" I screamed in return.

The man growled in frustration. I turned to Jed, "I got my hands free," I whispered lowly.


"Yes, seriously," I replied once more.

I heard foot steps approaching me. I began to panic silently. If I were going to do something, it was now or never.

Suddenly, hands were tightly gripped around my shoulders, pulling me up. "I said that this was your stop!" the voice yelled in my face.


I quickly pulled the bag from my head. I noticed that the vehicle we were in was large and had a narrow path in the center of the seats. Windows let bright light into the vehicle, blinding me at first.

In an instant, I was gripping the man by the throat.

"What the-" he tried to say.

This man was much larger than I and I was afraid that my plan wasn't going to work. I wasn't even sure what my plan was.

The man struggled to get my hands from his throat. I forced my body weight towards my hands, building strength to knock the man over. I was not strong enough.

Buy time.

I swung my left arm, hitting the man in the jaw. He grunted as he grabbed my hair, slamming my head into the window next to us. I gripped my head as my vision grew a bit blury.

I struggled to think straight. I tried focusing.

The man's face was thick and growing sweaty with frustration. I looked from the man to Jed quickly.

Jed was working at freeing his hands. I knew that I would be able to take the man down if Jed were helping me.

I looked back to the man just as he began charging at me. He knocked me to the floor, wrapping his legs around my torso. I tried to get out from under him but he had me pinned down.

The man put his hands around my throat, pressing down with his weight. I gasped for breath, weezing through my nose. I put my hands to the man's face, pushing him and trying to get him off.

Breathing was growing more and more difficult the longer the man had his hands around my throat. Things were growing dark and pale at the same time as I tried to inhale.

I began to claw at his fleshy hands with my nails, trying to remove his hands.

Suddenly, something hit the mans head, knocking him out cold. I scrambled from other him. I rolled from my back to my stomach, sitting up on my knees. I choked for air, coughing and struggling as well. I gasped and wheezed for air.

My lungs slowly started functioning, allowing air to enter them.

"You all right Jordyn?" asked a voice. Jed.

I slowly stood, facing him and breathing heavly. "All good," I replied, giving him a thumbs up. "Let's untie everyone else."

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