77 - always you

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**Part 2 of 76 - girlfriend vs best friend**
A/N: started re-watching TVD again and so this chapter is kinda inspired by that. Enjoy :)


The following morning, Mike had arrived to Eleven's house or Hopper's house, reciting his script on what he's gonna say and enters, no knock, no nothing. In the living room sat you and Eleven. Eleven not looking pleasantly happy.

Mike's eyes fall on you, "how'd you get here so fast?"

"Knowing you, you took the long way to avoid this conversation so I took matters into my own hands and did it myself. I told El the truth but the decision is up to you."

You get up from the couch and goes towards Mike, your hand sliding up to his jaw, "No matter the choice, I won't hate you for it. It'll hurt but I'll get over it. We would still talk and hang like old times," you lean in and peck his cheek, "I'll see you soon."

You leave and Mike tries to find the words to tell Eleven.

"El ... I'm-"

She gets up from the couch and walks towards Mike, "there's no need to explain. In my head, I already knew something was up. I just didn't bring myself to believe it. But I'm willing to forgive you if you choose me."

"I'm sorry El. It's Y/N. It's always going to be Y/N. It was was Y/N, I was just scared of ruining our friendship that I never had the courage to express how much I liked her."

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