Chapter 2

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After a few days, it's the night before the day you'll go to South Korea.

You're at Mark's funeral the whole time because you know you can't be at his last day.

You went near Mark.

"Man, I'll be going to South Korea tomorrow. It's so sad that you're not here anymore but I know you'll be watching us from heaven, right?" you said as tears started to come out on your eyes.

"You're always the one to encourage me to do things that I think I can't. I'm always scared to try new things but you're the one who's always telling me not to be scared and just try and try" you added.

Mark's parents heard that you're saying something from afar and couldn't prevent their tears from falling.

They know how strong your bond is and they know that you two treat each other like brothers.

"I know that you don't want us to be this sad so I'll stop" you said and tried to smile.

"I have to go man, till we meet again buddy" you said as you wipe your tears.

You went to Mark's parents.

"Auntie, Uncle, I'm sorry I can't be at Mark's last day" you said.

"It's okay Y/N, I know Mark don't want you to miss that chance you have and also, you stayed here for a long time and that's already more than enough" Mark's mom said.

"Right, Mark won't be happy if you didn't go to the interview because of him" Mark's dad said.

"Good luck Y/N, you can do it" Mark's mom added.

"Thank you so much auntie and uncle. I think I need to go now" you said.

You said your farewell to Mark's parents and went back home.

Your mom sitting on the sofa is waiting for you at your house.

"Are you alright son? Are you sure you can continue?" your mom asked as soon as you arrived.

"Yes mom. There's no turning back" you answered.

"Okay son. Go have some rest, you need to wake up early tomorrow" your mom said.

"Thanks mom" you said and kissed her before going to bed.

The next day, you woke up early and prepared for your departure.

"I need to go son, I can't wait for your departure cause I'll be late at work" your dad said.

"It's okay dad, take care" you responded.

"Take care son, I know you can do it. Don't forget to call us everytime you have free time okay?" your dad said.

"Of course dad!" you answered.

"Okay then, I'll go ahead" your dad said and hugged you tight.

"Take care dad, I'll see you again soon" you said as your dad left for work.

After half an hour, the staff from JYP arrived.

*ding dong*

"That might be the staffs" your mom said as she opened the door.

"Good day Ma'am! We're from the South Korean company JYP Entertainment. Is this the house of Mr. Y/N?" the staff said and showed their identifications just like what's on the message.

"Yes, I'm his mom, come in" your mom said as she let the staff in.

"He's Y/N" your mom added.

"Hello sir" you greeted.

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