Chapter 29

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You quickly went home.

"Mom? Dad?" you look for them as soon as you got home.

"Why? Did you just run all the way here?" your mom responded.

"Mom, I r-remember everything now. As in e-everything!" you said to her while panting.

"Really? H-How?" your mom asked.

"I don't know mom, J-James just turned on the tv and th-the news said about Sana's engagement. After I heard the news, I s-suddenly felt dizzy and then everything came back. ALL OF IT mom" you explained.

"Kiyoung and I are not on our way home when we got into the accident. We're on our way to the TWICE's dorm because I want to save our relationship" you added.

"It hurts mom, it really hurts!" you said to your mom as you started to burst into tears.

Your mom then hugged you to comfort you.

"I wanted m-my memories back so bad because I feel i-incomplete... but hearing the news... after h-hearing the news... and my memories came back... I wished my memories are just gone" you said as you continued to cry on your mom's shoulder.

"It hurts mom! SO MUUUCH!" you said as you pound your chest expressing the pain that you feel.

"Shhhh, calm down son" your mom stopped you from pounding your chest

"I don't want to remember everything anymore mom" you said.

"What happened?" your dad then went out of the room after hearing you.

Your mom just signed your dad to stay quiet first.

"Shhhh... calm down, it's okay son" your mom said while constantly patting your back.

After a few minutes of crying and letting out of your emotions, you calmed down.

You're just staring at nowhere as your mom came to give you a glass of water.

"Drink some water" your mom said as she handed the glass.

"Thank you mom" you said as you drink the glass of water.

"What are your plans now?" your mom asked.

"I think it's better for me to stay here. I don't want to go back to Korea and remember our happy times" you answered.

"Okay, whatever your decision is, we'll support you" your dad said.

2 weeks later

You tried to endure every day that is coming to you.

Even though it's painful, you go to work regularly just like before.

Your friends: James, Irene and Jerome, are always by your side while you're at work.

Then, while on your way home after work, you're walking with James after alighting the bus because you two have the same bus stop to alight.

"I really thought that you're going to Korea the night that your memories came back" James said

"But are you sure you'll be better if you'll continue like this?" he suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?" you responded.

"Don't you think it'll be better if you and Sana will talk together for the last time? You haven't said your farewell to her properly" he answered.

"I think her boyfriend, I mean fiance, will understand it" he added.

"Do you think it'll be better if I'll do that?" you asked.

"Just my opinion, it'll be painful of course but why don't you try it. Maybe it'll be more better if you two can say your farewell properly to each other" James said.

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