Chapter 3

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You went straight to the airport.

After hours of flight, you reached Incheon International Airport.

"Welcome to South Korea Y/N" Jong said as soon you got out of airport.

You looked around and can't believe that you're at South Korea!

You walked a little more and saw another van waiting for you.

"Welcome back Mr. Park!" the staff on the van greeted.

"This is Y/N, he's our new video editor" JYP introduced you to the staff

"He's Kim Haejun, he's the manager of TWICE" JYP added.

"Nice to meet you Y/N!" he said as he shook hands with you.

"Hop in" he said as you hop inside the van.

The van left after all of you got inside.

"You might be confused why Haejun is here, right?" JYP asked.

"Yes sir" you responded.

"I contacted him in advance while we're on our flight so that he can introduce you to the girls" JYP said leaving you speechless.

"Th-the girls? Y-you mean, T-Twice sir?" you cleared.

"Yes, the TWICE that you know" JYP answered.

"You said that you want to work with them so there you are, your wish is granted. You'll be on TWICE's music video team" JYP added.

"Wooow! Mr. Park might really like you" Haejun said.

"He doesn't grants wishes that easy" Haejun added.

After almost an hour, you reached the JYP Entertainment building.

"Follow me Y/N" JYP said.

You entered the building happily.

You just see this building in pictures and now, you're part of the company!

You went straight to JYP's office.

You sat down on a sofa facing Jong and JYP on his side.

"Okay, I might not introduce myself clearly" Jong said.

"I'm Kim In Jong, I'm the head of HR Department" Jong said leaving you in surprise.

"I'm also the one who e-mailed you" he added.

"Since you're accepted in the company, I'll explain all the rules and the benefits the you'll get" Jong said.

He started explaining all the needed details to you.

"And now, you're just one sign away to be officially part of the JYP Entertainment" Jong said.

He handed you a paper where your signature is needed.

You signed after reading all the things that is on the paper.

"And yeah! Congratulations! You're now officially an employee of JYP Entertainment" JYP said as you all stood up and shook hands.

"Now, everything is already good. Next step might be the best moment for a fanboy like you" Jong said and laughed.

"You may now go and meet the girls" JYP said.

You went out of the office and went straight to Haejun, he's waiting at you at the lobby.

"Is it time to meet the girls?" Haejun asked you.

"L-let's go Manager Kim" you said nervously.

You went straight to the van that'll take you to the girls' dorm.

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