Chapter 8

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"W-Why do you think that I'am the one for you?" you asked.

"I know, we just met recently. It's just been a day since we knew each other but I feel something different on you. Everytime I saw you, my heart beats fast. Everytime that I know that we'll meet, I become excited. I know it's crazy cause we just met right? But I don't know" Sana said.

You didn't know what to say. You just froze looking at her eyes.

"Aish! That's enough, shall we order some pizza? I'm quite hungry. It's on me" Sana said as she ordered some pizza for the two of you.

"I want to know about you more" you suddenly said.

"W-what?" Sana asked.

"I want to know more about you Sana. If you'll be my girlfriend then let's know each other first" you said.

"Okay then. I want to be your girlfriend so let's know each other, okay?" Sana said making your heart flutter.


This is not a dream. I repeat, this is not a dream.

You calmed yourself first and after a while, the pizza came.

"Y/N! Our pizza is here" Sana called you.

You ate the pizza together.

Together, talking and knowing more of each other.

Days passed, your relationship with Sana grew deeper.

You're not yet dating but you're going out just as friends.

She spends a time with you even in a hectic schedule.

There are times that you go out to eat dinner.

Then, the shooting day came.

After 1 week, it's the D-day for the shooting for the MV.

Even though you're responsible for editing the video, you're required to attend the shooting.

So you got up at 4am so that you won't be late for the first shooting that you'll attend.

The shooting will start at 7am. A vehicle from the company is waiting for you outside of your dorm to bring you to the place of the shooting.

You went straight to the venue after preparing.

"Y/N! Over here!" Director Mido called you as soon as you alight the van.

"Good Morning Director Mido! Am I just in time?" you asked.

"You're quite early but it's okay. That's a plus point for you" Director Mido said.

You entered the venue and saw a lot of staffs preparing for the shooting.

"Y/N! You're here!" Director Jaehyung said.

"What can you say about this shooting? This is your idea. Look how your idea turns to reality" he added.

"It feels great Director, I can't believe my idea was chosen for this one" you answered.

"Well, you need to believe it. This might not be the last time. There are a lot of music videos to shoot in the future and I know, some of those will be your idea once again" Director Jaehyung said.

"By the way, are the girls here?" you asked.

"Yes, they're here since 3am" Director Mido said.

"3am?! That's too early" you said.

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