Chapter 18

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You slowly opened your eyes and looked around.

"Y/N!" you saw Haejun.

"I'll just call the doctor" Haejun then went out to call the doctor.

After a while, a doctor came with Haejun.

"Mr. Y/N, are you okay?" the doctor asked.

"Y-yes doctor" you answered.

"Do you remember how you got here?" the doctor asked.

"All I can remember is that Donghoon ordered 3 men to beat me up" you answered.

"But then, a guy stopped them and called the ambulance and I think I passed out then" you added.

"Okay, that's the same as the guy said to us. Just have more rest for now and I think you can be discharged tomorrow" the doctor said and left.

"Are you okay Y/N? I should've drop you at your house last night" Haejun said.

"Don't blame yourself Haejun, they planned all of this. Is mom here?" you said.

"Yes, she went out to buy some fruits with Sana" Haejun answered.

"Are you really fine? Do you need something?" he asked.

"I'm okay Haejun, thanks" you answered.

After a while, your mom and Sana arrived.

"Y/N?" your mom rushed to you.

"Are you okay? I shouldn't sleep deep last night. I'm having a good sleep while my son is getting beaten outside of the house" your mom said almost crying.

"No mom, it's not your fault. It is all planned" you said as you pat her to comfort her.

"Oppa, are you okay?" Sana then went to your other said and held your hands.

"I'm okay honey" you answered.

"We should stop that scumbag Donghoon before he does something worse" Haejun suddenly said.

"By the way honey, it's your comeback, right? What are you doing here?" you said to Sana.

"It's just 12pm oppa, I already told them that I might be late and also, I can't go to the showcase knowing that you're unconscious but now that you're awake, I think I can go later" Sana said.

"Do you want to eat? What do you want? We bought some fruits for you" Sana said as your mom started to bring out the fruits that they bought.

After a few hours, Sana needs to leave for the showcase.

"Oppa, I need to leave for now but I'll make sure to come back here right after the showcase" Sana said.

"Okay honey, I'll watch your showcase on my phone. Have fun honey" you said as Sana gave you a kiss on forehead before leaving with Haejun.

"Do you know that guy who planned this to you?" your mom asked you after they leave.

"Yes mom, he's Sana's suitor. He's dying to have Sana" you answered.

"But Sana is not interested to him" you added.

"But he heard that you and Sana is dating so he ordered those men to beat you up?" your mom said.

"I think so mom, I think he can't just let go of Sana but that's too much" you said.

"Good thing that you will be discharged tomorrow, I can go home knowing that you're fine but I can't stop worrying that the guy might come back to you" your mom said.

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