Chapter 27

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*Let's go back to your POV*

You gained consciousness and slowly opened your eyes.

"Y/N!" a lady said.

"W-Who are you?" you asked.

The lady then showed his happiness through her face, 

"I'm glad that you're awake" the lady said.

Then a man came inside and surprised to see you awake so he called the doctors.

After a while a doctor came to check you.

"Hello, I'm glad that you're awake. Do you know me?" the doctor asked.

"N-No sir" you responded.

"I'm your doctor. What is your name?" the doctor asked which startled you a little because you can't remember.

"I don't know sir, I don't remember anything! What's happening?" you started to panic as the doctor and the nurses tried to calm you down.

The doctor then turned to the lady and the man to talk to them.

"Just what we've expected, you're son has an amnesia ma'am and sir. He can't remember everything even his name and... you" the doctor explained.

"But don't lose hope, he still has a chance to remember everything but we need your help. You can show him your picture together or his solo pictures or pictures with friends, or you can show him the places that he's always going or you can play songs that he really loves. Try everything that you think can bring his memories back" the doctor said to the two adults.

"For now, we'll observe him for a few days and if we don't see any more complications, we can discharge him already" the doctor added.

"I'll leave him to you for now and you can talk to him" the doctor said as he left the room with the two nurses.

"Are you okay son?" the guy asked you.

"W-Who are you? W-Where am I? Why am I here?" you asked the two adults.

"I'm your dad Y/N, and she's your mom" the guy said as he brought out his phone and showed your picture together.

"You're my p-parents?" you asked them.

"Yes, your name is Y/N" your mom answered.

"What happened to me? Why can't I remember anything" you asked.

"You've been to a car accident and because of that, you lost your memories" your mom answered.

"W-What? Accident? H-How?" you asked them.

"You're working here in South Korea, you're on your way to home when the accident happened" your mom answered.

"How long I've been unconscious?" you asked.

"2 days son" your dad responded.

You tried your best to recall everything but nothing is getting inside your memories.

After a few hours, a man entered the room.

"Good evening ma'am and sir, I'm here to visit Y/N. I'm the CEO of the company he's working for. I'm Park Jinyoung" he introduced himself to your parents.

"Yes, I remember you. You're the one who came to our house before Y/N left our country" your mom responded.

"How is he?" Mr. Park asked.

"He's better now but there's a problem Mr. Park" your dad answered.

"What is it?" Mr. Park asked.

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