Chapter 30 - Final

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There, you saw such a beautiful woman, she's already in her wedding dress. She look so amazing. Even though years had already passed, she still looks the same person that you know.

You slowly walked towards her.

At that moment, Sana turned her face to see who's the next guest and she was very surprised and happy to see that it's you.

You felt that the time slowed down while you're walking toward her.

"Y/N?!" Sana said as soon as she saw you.

The excitement and happiness in her face is showing.

She then hugged you as soon as you got nearer to her.

"I'll go out for a while" Dahyun said as she went out of the room for you two to talk privately.

"How are you?" Sana asked after the hug.

"I'm good, very good! How about you?" you said while smiling and preventing your tears to go out.

"I'm good too! And... here, I'm about to enter another chapter of life" she said and giggled.

"I heard you lost your memories?" Sana asked.

"Yup, actually I just fully recovered my memories few weeks ago" you answered while still preventing your tears.

"Really? So... how are you?" Sana asked.

"It's painful..." you said as you couldn't hold your tears from going out.

Sana noticed your tears as they started to fall down one by one.

"I'm sorry... I don't mean to cry here" you said and smiled as you wiped away your tears.

"It's okay, I know you gathered a lot of courage to see me wearing a wedding dress. I understand" Sana said and smiled.

"It's been 5 years and I'm glad that you're finally entering a new chapter of your life" you said.

"By the way, I came here to greet you so... congratulations!" you said and smiled at her.

"Thank you so much opp-, I mean Y/N" Sana responded and smiled.

Sana noticed that you're trying to hold yourself from talking.

"What is it? Come on tell me. It's only the two of us here" Sana said but you're still holding yourself.

"Come on, it's okay" Sana said and smiled.

"I haven't able to tell you everything that night" you said as Sana prepared herself to listen.

"I was wrong. I should've accepted your apology. I should've just went to you and hugged you instead of sulking that night" you added as tears started to fall down once again.

"The next day, I woke up late and I forgot to bring my phone at work. I came home to get my candy bong and phone after work, I didn't noticed that you already left a message for me. I went and watched the concert not knowing about you're message. To be honest, I really enjoyed the concert that night" you added as you wipe your tears.

You looked at Sana and she is still looking at you and still listening to you.

"Go on" she said and showed a smile.

"When we're on our way home, that's the only time that I noticed that you left a message. I asked Kiyoung to drive back but you already left and the staffs said that your flight will be on midnight that day so I asked Kiyoung to drive to your dorm as fast as he can and that's when the accident happened" you said and smiled.

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