Chapter 9

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"What is it Director Jaehyung?" you asked him.

"I just observed that you're getting closer to Sana these days? Is there something going on between the two of you?" he asked.

"Nothing special sir. We're just getting close as friends" you answered.

"That's great to hear. Make sure you're just friends especially to TWICE. It might distract you from doing your job" Director Jaehyung said.

"Yes sir" you just answered.

"Okay, you may now go. I hope you already have some ideas going on your head for the edits. I'll see you tomorrow" Director Jaehyung said and left.

This might be a problem. Director Jaehyung doesn't want you to have a relationship with Sana.

After a while, Sana came back to you after a talk with Haejun.

"Are you done?" you asked as she walks near you.

"Yup, time to go home" Sana answered.

"Okay then, have a good rest" you responded.

"Are you not going home yet?" Sana asked.

"I'll see you go first" you answered making Sana smile.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow oppa" Sana said as she went back to the girls to go home.

"Y/N! You can go home now too!" Jihyo shouted while walking towards their van.

"We'll take care of Sana!" Momo said teasing you once again.

"Okay Momo! Thanks!" you just replied.

After seeing them leave, you also went to your van to go home.

As soon as you got home, you went straight to your bed and rest for a while.

"This day is so tiring even though I didn't do much" you said.

After getting some energy, you took a shower before going to bed.

The next day, same events just happened.

You came there just in time.

Have some foods with TWICE and the other staffs.

You got to watch the shooting,

You almost knew the whole new song that they'll gonna release because they're playing it over and over again.

Take here, take there. A lot of time was consumed for the shooting.

"AAAAND CUT! GOOD WORK EVERYONE!" Director Jaehyung shouted meaning that the shooting is now over.

"Okay! First, I would like to thank all the staffs who participated in the shooting. We're now done with the shooting. Let's all have some good rest for now and our friend here, Y/N, will do his job for the first time" Director Jaehyung said to everyone.

"I think that's it for now, I'll see you again next shooting! Good work everyone!" he added as the staffs exchanged greetings with everyone.

"Y/N, I'm counting on you" Director Jaehyung said.

"I know you can do it, make it a banger" he added.

"Well then, good work both of you. Let's go have some rest for now" he said to you and Director Mido.

"Good work too Director Jaehyung" you said as he left to go home.

"Ooooppaaa!" Sana called you.

"I'll go ahead Y/N, I'll see you around" Director Mido said and left the two of you to talk.

"Good work today Sana! As usual, all of you did a great job. I'm now excited to do the MV" you said.

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