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Ladies and gentlemen!! I introduce to you!...


My name is Meribella Stark.
Yeah that's right, I said Stark.
I am the spawn of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.

And for the past 15 years of my life, I've been kept a secret. And As much as my parents hate to keep me a secret, they want me safe.
What do you think would happen if my dads enemies found out he had a daughter? His biggest weakness...
nothing good I'll tell you that much.

Sure, I'd love to go to a public school and make new friends. Be able to have my first sleepover, my first friend group... my first boyfriend.
Or, boy anything!

I get that I'm an important person, the people that know I exist have been telling me that since day one, but I can't help but be torn at the topic of my freedom-less life.
But, who likes to dwell, right?

I've been homeschooled my entire life, obviously.
But, I've had various teachers, all depending on what kind of drama was currently going on. I'm pretty sure you can already guess which "teachers" I had for each subject.

Self defense: Clint/Natasha
Math/English: Jarvis
Science: Dad/ Banner
History: Steve
When Thor was on world, we made up our own topic for him to teach, astronomy and teaching me all the ways of the different worlds. I was always excited for that class.
Language: myself.
I mean of course Nat taught me Russian, mom taught me Spanish whenever she could, and Jarvis would teach me whatever other language I wanted, which was German. But I always found a love for ASL. So that was what I taught myself. I mean, GRACE, my A/I would help me, but I did all the heavy lifting.

And every once in a while, Furry would stop by and give me a few lessons on politics. It was always my least favorite subject.
But, shit happens... and sometimes friendships hit bumps in the road.

I guess you can say it all started when Loki brought an alien invasion to Earth. Everything sorta went down hill from there.
That was when Phil died...
that was a rough patch for me, I always called him uncle Phil and no matter what I was going through he had somehow managed to put a smile on my face. Dad was sad too for a while, but he hid it better than I ever could.

Then Steve found out his best Pal from back in the day, Bucky, was still alive, SHIELD broke down from corruption.
I don't think uncle Steve could really get the image of his best friend being alive still out of his head, but he usually takes his aggression out on all of my punching bags.
In which I've replaced several times.

Then, of course, Dad and Banner had to go ahead and accidentally create artificial Intelligence. I would say that the only thing good that came out of that Battle was Vision, Wanda and Pietro.
And the bad?
People died.
Thousands lost their homes.
Sakovia was completely destroyed.
It was the last time I saw Banner.
And Pietro died.
That was another hard one.

After that, my schedule had changed just a bit.

Self defense: Natasha
(Clint had retired to be with his family)
History: Steve
Science: Dad
Math/English: Vision
Psychology: Wanda
Regular gym: Sam
Full time politics: Rhodes

Because Thor had some kind of strange vision about these weird stones, he was no longer able to teach me about the worlds. Which was my favorite subject but, it's okay.

Then, the thing that broke my family apart.
The Sakovia Accords.
I think this was the hardest on everybody. I had never seen Dad so upset in my entire life. But in all honesty, from what Rhodes explained to me about the accords, I would never have signed it myself. But of course I would have never told dad that.
After all of that went down, Dad soon realized that the Accords were a piece of shit, especially after Rhodes became paralyzed.
so he went through hell and back to get Clint, Wanda, Sam and Scott (an official new member to my family) out of jail.
The Secretary of ,whatever he is, didn't like that very much but soon realized there wasn't shit he could do about it.
Scott went back to his family, as did Clint. Sam stuck around for me, as did Wanda and Vision. But their spark soon grew into a flame and would often travel around the world together.
Which I loved by the way.
And for Nat? Even though she eventually sided with Uncle Steve, dad understood why, and was also able to bring her back to the compound without getting her arrested.

And uncle Steve? Well him and dad were going through a rough patch. I couldn't blame dad for this one either, and as much as I love uncle Steve, he should have told my family the truth behind the killing of my grandparents. But I could never get myself to hold onto any grudge. Bucky was being controlled like a puppet. I think he punishes himself enough everyday.

Dad didn't like it, but I would still video chat uncle Steve whenever I could. It would vary from a lesson on history, to the latest gossip around the compound. Which was never anything big I guess.

And even with that entire fiasco, I was never able to meet T'Challa!

But I was able to meet Peter. I found it odd that  my dad would recruit a 15 year old kid as his only Stark Internship, but he said that Peter's "killer ideas" were desperately needed, so I guess that was cool.

I liked Peter, not only was he my age (finally!) but he also was super funny and smart. I loved talking to him, it was as easier than I thought it was going to be. You know, he's the first boy, or anyone, my age that I've been able to befriend. I thought it was going to be difficult, trust me, I was a nervous wreck, but the more time I was able to spend with him, the more comfortable I got, and the closer our relationship became. I just wish I was able to see more of him.

This year is supposed to be my sophomore year for high school. Another year being homeschooled.
Can't wait...


How do you guys like the new book so far? I know that this is only the first chapter and kinda the intro to let you know the different situations and exactly where Meribella is at, but let me know how you guys like it:))

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