My friend Spider-man

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So good news, thankfully I had only missed my first three periods.
Not so good news, I came just in time for gym.
I didn't mind gym obviously since I've trained all my life and have always been an active person. I just hated the clothes that they put us in. Gym clothes were never comfy. And also, Peter and I had this period together, also Liz. I would normally hang out with Peter and Ned, but after earlier today, I don't really want to talk to him. Not as if I don't like him anymore, mghm, as a friend... but it might be awkward and I don't want it to be awkward.
He likes Liz. That is that.

And why am I even worrying? I don't like him either. Him and I are just friends. So you know what, I might talk to him. Because if we are just friends, then why would things be awkward? Exactly, they shouldn't be. So neither will I.

"Hey Meribella." Ned smiled at me as I was walking into the gym. I hadn't even realized that I was already in the gym, leg alone my sweats a hoodie.

"Oh, hey Ned, what's up? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"Well, we did see each other yesterday. But you did have a traumatic life experience. How are you by the way? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah totally okay." Just as I looked away I saw Peter walking in with Liz. He was smiling and having a great time.
"Totally okay..."

"Yeah that doesn't sound convincing."
I literally jumped in the air, turning around ,when I safely landed, to see MJ.

"MJ! When did you even get here?! I thought you had gym fifth period?" I asked

"Yeah well, I switched. Didn't really like my fifth period class. Plus, your alone in this class with those two." She pointed at Peter, and Ned, who had now joined Peter.
"I think it's best I have this period."

I wanted to hug her. No one has ever switched their period for me.
Then again no one has ever had too... because I was homeschooled. And had no school periods.
"You really are the sweetest MJ, you know that?"

She just gives me a cheesy smile in return, then we head our way over to the benches to sit down. Of course Peter and Ned are together, and now Liz is over with her own friends. Probably talking about some stupid girly stuff.
I can't be talking this way about her. Liz is super nice and it's obvious that she likes him. They belong together. Totally.
"I can't believe you like Parker." MJ said casually as if it was the most normal accusation ever.

"W-What? No. No No no. I definitely do not. Like, at all. Ever."
Accusing me of taking a special interest in Peter is just completely ridiculous.

"It's pretty obvious. And he likes you too. You guys always look at each other."

Cue the eye roll.
"Just because two people look at each other, doesn't mean they have feelings for one another."

She scoffed.
"Yes. People look at each other. But no one looks at each other the way you both do. As if you're the truest loves of each others lives without any other possible person. Just admit it."

I feel like if I shook my head anymore my brain was going to be mashed up.
"I can't admit it, because it's not true."

"What's not true? The fact that your the hottest girl in school. Well, hate to break it to you but you kinda are."
I had never seen this guy before, but he was a little on the nose.
tan, really tan, with black wavy-ish hair.
Kinda short too. I wasn't sure if he was talking to me? Or MJ? Or some other person entirely.
"The names flash" he said with a toothy grin, hanging his hand out.

I cautiously took it and nodded.
"Okay... I'm-"

"Meribella, yeah I know. So, wanna go to a party?" He leaned on his elbow that was resting on his knee, and tried to pull of a smirk. I feel like he imagined himself to look like Flynn Ryder, but he kinda looked constipated...

I noticed that his hand was still holding mine just in time for me to make eye contact with Peter, I'd never seen him look so shocked before.
I quickly took my gaze away and tried my hardest not to look in any part of that direction.

"Peter is jealous. Keep going." MJ whispered in my ear.

Jealous? Why would he be jealous?
"I will take that as a yes. I'll pick you up at 7, so be ready, alright sugar?"
He strutted away and began to walk over to the climbing ropes.

"Sugar? You've got to be kidding me."
I looked over at MJ and she was trying to hold in smiles and laughs.
"This is not funny!" I shouted to her.

I guess she couldn't contain herself, because within seconds she busted out laughing. I've never seen her look so happy before.
"I-I'm Sorry. That was just too funny."

"He called me sugar." I pouted.
"Who the hell does he think he is?"
Of course I never have gotten hit on before, I had never been around anyone that would hit on me. But I still knew what it was. Of course I did! Romance movies are like, one of my favorite things to watch. So yeah, I know the way it should go, or kinda go, in a sense. BUT STILL! I know for a fact that a guy like Flash, is the Troy (from Goonies) of my story. The Biff Tannen, the Dean Sampson.
Okay yes, so I also like older movies, but who doesn't?

"Peter knows Spider-Man!"
Ned. That was Ned's voice. I'd know it anywhere.
I look over to the floor Matt's too see Peters face completely in shock and Ned just looking over at Liz.
Of course it had to be about Liz.
Stop it, she's a nice person.

"They're friends." Ned said excitedly, adding onto his previous outburst.

"Yeah, just like Captain America and coach Wilson are friends." Flash laughed, climbing down the ropes.
I actually cringed when I had to watch those videos. I don't ever remember him having to make those, but I will definitely be using these against him in future events.

"Y-Yeah. I-I mean yes. I've met him... through the Stark... internship... yeah uh, I'm not really supposed to talk about it." That last part was pointed towards Ned, anyone could obviously tell since he turned around to say it too Ned.

So, Peter was allowed to meet Spider-Man through the Stark internship of all freaking things. But I myself, the daughter of Tony Stark, isn't able to see him?
Somethings up...

"Oh, well you should tell your pal Spider-Man to come to Liz's party tonight." Flash smiled, clearly enjoying the embarrassment of Peter.

He gazed over at her with hope in his eyes, and an itch in my stomach formed that just made me want to leave.
"You're having a party?"

"Yeah, you're more than welcome to
Come. But, I'm sure peters way to busy for parties."

"No he'll be there." Flash patronized
"Right Parker?" He walked passed Peter and nudged him in the shoulder, walking away from the gym.
I looked over at peter to see him and Ned having a heated argument.

"We should go. Don't want to be late." MJ said, placing her hands on my shoulders and guiding me out. I waited for Peters eyes to meet mine, but they never did. Eventually I went with her.


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