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I showed him the same videos that I had seen the first time. The ones of me being experimented on.
I thought he was going to break the chair he was gripping onto, his knuckles were almost blinding with how white they were.

"Okay, so you were experimented on?" He asked to clarify.


"And you have no memory of it."


"And now you have powers. Really powerful powers..."


"We have to tell Mr.Stark. He has to know how powerful you really are. Bella we have to tell your dad."

I didn't want that. I didn't even want to see my dad.
"No Peter, we don't."

"Bella, what if someone makes you mad out in public? What if Flash picks on Ned and I again? What do you think will happen?"

"I don't know!" I shouted, flailing my hands around in the air as I got up from sitting down.
"I don't know Peter! But I know that I will figure it out. I always figure it out."

He let his head fall.
"I just don't know if you'll be able to figure this out though."

"We should go to bed. It's 1 in the morning and we have to leave for nationals tomorrow." I said, ignoring our previous conflict.
I really didn't want to tell dad. I didn't want to tell any of them. For multiple reasons.
They lied to me and kept this a secret from someone when I could have hurt anyone at anytime. They kept it secret instead of helping me learn to control it.

"You're right. I'll um, I'll go to my room. Goodnight." He spoke softly as if nothing had even happened. Like I'm still the same person.

"Goodnight Peter." I mumbled, staying down in the lab while he rode up the elevator.
All of this was just hard.
I get that a lot of people would be so stoked to discover that they have superpowers. But I don't want them. What if I end up remembering everything that guy did to me? All that pain and suffering just to become the monster and killer that he wanted me to be.

And what's worse, what if these powers aren't the kind that you can help people with? What if all I'm able to do is cause destruction? There are so many possibilities that I don't want to risk.
Too many.

Ugh, I still have to pack.
Damn it.

Peters POV:

I know that I shouldn't, but I have to tell Mr.Stark about Bella. As much as I hate to admit it, she could be dangerous. The destruction that I saw in her lab wasn't something that you just try to tame. I'm surprised she is just now starting to discover them.

But if I tell him, then I'm breaking her trust. I can't do that to her. I am probably the only person she can confide to with this and I can't ruin that for her. And if I tell Mr.Stark that her powers are showing up, he will be the first one to take her away.
She will probably spend the rest of her life training and I'll never get to see her, see that beautiful smile that brightens up anything or anyone that is lucky enough to see it.

And I'd love to be the one to help her with this, but I still have Spider-Man duties and she can't know about those at all. We've already had some close calls. It would just put her in more danger and I think she's got enough on her plate.

I wish I could tell her. I wish I could tell her everything. I hate keeping this secret from her, I want to talk to her about everything, everyday. I wanted to tell her about the bad guys we put a tracker on, and how cool it all was and that I'll be following them tomorrow. Well, technically today...
I want to be able to tell her about what I did as my day being Spider-Man and that lady that bought me the churro.

If I told her, I could swing her through the city every night.
Mgghhmm... but not in an unfriendly way of course. Strictly platonic, yeah. That's all it is haha. Friends...

Meribella's POV:

I could not fall asleep.
It was now 1:58 in the morning and I haven't slept at all. I'm not even tired.
Probably because I took a "nap" today, if you'd even call it that.

Peter is right down the hall..

Shut up me. Peter doesn't matter right now, sleep does. I need sleep.

Go sleep with Pete-

"Okay!" I yelled out loud and jumping out of my bed.
No, I'm not crazy. Everyone talks to themselves, some just refuse to admit it.

I walked over to my door and opened it up to come face to face- a very close face to face- with Peter.
My eyes automatically wondered to his lips and wanted to keep my eyes on his or anywhere but there.
But he was a tiny bit taller than me so it was kinda difficult.

"I Uh... heard you yell." He whispered to me after I decided to just keep my gaze on the floor. I could feel his breath on my cheek as he looked down at me, then the floor as well.

"Kiss him Meribella." I heard Grace tell me through my mini intercoms.

I cleared my throat then backed away as he did the same thing.

"You know, I just uh, just wanted to make sure you were okay." He grinned awkwardly.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks.. Peter."

We both stood there for a moment. Just staring into each others eyes.
I wanted him to be close to me again for some odd reason.
It felt nice.
It felt comfortable.

"Okay, well. I'll let you go to sleep now.."
he gave a small single nod then walked over to his room that was literally the room right next to mine.

"Oh, uh okay." I replied quietly, but he probably didn't hear me.
As I closed the door, I turned around on it and leaned.

Oh god...

I like Peter.

Well looks like I won't be getting any sleep after all.


Well at least she finally admits it now!! Only took 15 Chapters!!

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