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"Do we even know how to defuse a bomb?" He asked, searching with me through every corner of this bank while the police were trying to evacuate as many people as they could.

"Well, no." I answered back.
"I read an article about it once, and saw dad and Banner kinda defuse one. But that's about it."

"Yeah well you still know more about it than I do."

I laughed to myself.
"I know more about everything than you do."

I didn't look back at him to know that he was sending a glare my way, but got back to work.
We were starting to run out of ideas. Do you know how many places someone can hide a bomb in a bank?
There are tons of places.

And with the right equipment, the bomb can be small. Especially with the tech our world has now.
It could be anywhere.

"Grace, scan this building for an explosive device."

"Scanning building."

Peter sighed and put his hand on his hips right next to me.
"And you couldn't have done that earlier?"

"Well what about Karen. You could have asked her earlier as well." I commented back.

And no, this was not us fighting. With the masks on, we were all business.
That's the way it should be.
Civilians come first, no matter what. We both agreed on that, Peter at first wasn't on bored. To him, there was no way he was going to save anyone over me. That seemed impossible to him. It took me a full two weeks to get him to agree to it. But he finally did.
Also, which shouldn't even be a rule because of how obvious it is, no using each others names.

If we were too, then we gave "fake names" to each other.
He chose Jake, don't ask me why, I have no clue.
And I chose Morgan.
I always loved that name.
And this way I got to have it, kinda.

Rule three, no touchy-feely on the job either. Of our suits are on, that means anything can happen. Our normal lives have to be separated from our hero lives.

And rule number four, never leave a man behind.

"Explosive detected, in the cabinet of the second to last desk."

So many places to hide.
We ran over as quickly as possible and opened up the cabinet.
These guys definitely were smarter.
There had to be a thousand wires on this thing, some kind of tube with yellow liquid, and another with red liquid. I could see two bricks of C4 strapped in right next to them. And a timer.


Those bastards

"You need to get out of here." Peter grabbed my shoulders and held me tightly.
"You need to leave, now."

I couldn't believe he was saying this.
Well I could, we have 4 minutes and 17 seconds left until the bomb goes off.
But I could say the same for him.

"No, I'm staying." I said, looking straight into his eyes.



So much for rule number two.

"Leave. Get out of here, run as fast as you can."

*light bulb*
he's going to hate me for this.
"Okay." I said, looking down at the floor.
A sigh of relief left his mouth as his entire stance relaxed.
Then he tensed.
I had grabbed him and gripped him firmly so that he wouldn't escape my grasp as I ran down the streets of Queens.

An idea passed through my head,
Before the Sakovia accords, Wanda kept a blast in using her magic.
If I couldn't get to the outside of New York in time to drop the bomb in the water, then I would just have to do the same thing.
Have I tried anything like that?
Is that going to stop me if push comes to shove?

We stopped in my lab and I placed him down on the chair, I could tell by his swaying that he was dizzy as hell.
"Please..." he tried to say as he struggled to stand up.
He knew it. He always did, he could read my mind as if he was the one with telekinesis.

There was no time for sentiment. I ran without any words and straight back to the bank.
I wasn't sure if there were any kind of triggers anywhere, so I just took one shelf of the cabinet that it was laying on.

Once again, running.
Running as fast as I can.
Not for me,
Not for the fun of it.
For the lives of hundreds and hundreds of people.

I looked down at the clock to see it was now at 3: 51
Running to the edge, people around me automatically backed away from me. A masked person holding a bomb, yeah that's not creepy at all.
What got me was that no one was running. There were some that were just speed walking away, others were just videotaping. What the actual heck?
How would I get back from the water? This thing needs to go out. Farrrr out.

"Everyone!! You guys need to back up now, everyone needs to leave! I shouted, speed running to the opposite side of the platforms.
"Grace chow fast do I have to run to run on water?"

"You'd have to be running at at least 30 meters per second."

I can do that, I can totally do that.
"Incoming call from iron Dad"

"No don-"

"Hey kiddo." Dad smiled as soon as I took off running.

"Hey dad! Gotta go!!" I shouted and hung up.
I couldn't think about him right now.
I couldn't, I have to think of everyone else.

The wind was blowing in my face, the water about to come beneath my feet.
I closed my eyes and ran faster.
I could feel a tiny little prickling sensation on my face, when I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe myself.
I actually did it.

I looked down at my legs moving incredibly fast, fast enough to run on water.
I didn't even feel wet, I was too fast for it to even touch me.
This time, I did feel on top of the world.
The clock was ticking down, fast. And the faster I ran, the farther away I saw the city. Once I knew I was far enough, I dropped the bomb into the water and ran back to the city, once again, running as fast as I possibly could.

Now that I got it away, I'd have to hope it wouldn't get me.

Any second.
Any second...

Then it went off.
I was actually able to feel the explosion under the water before it ever rose above, but the explosion itself was massive.
Massive .

And it was catching up to me very quickly.

I looked forward and pushed, pushed every muscle in my body, every limb, every single cell to work it's hardest, go faster than ever before.
And At every second, the city got closer, and the explosion got farther.


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