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"Out of all the parties we end up going too. It just happens to be Liz's" I complain over the phone.
"What do I even wear to a party?"

"You have to wear something cute." MJ spoke, because of Grace though, MJ's voice echoed through my entire house.
"You need to look cute, but not overly cute as if you tried too hard. Something casual, wear black, everyone looks good in black. Like a casual black dress?"

"Hmmm..." I thought out loud
"I might have a casual black dress. I mean I never really got out much because of being homeschooled. I really need to go shopping for new clothes."

"Meribella! One day at a time! We can do that tomorrow or something. Send me a picture of your dress when you have it okay?"
I agreed and we both said goodbye as I rummaged through my closet to try and find a cute.
Well, not exactly a rummage. All I do is push a button and my closet rotates to show me all the clothes that are hung up.
No, I don't have a lot, but dad did it, so I'm not complaining.

The closet began to rotate again and out cans this loose short black dress. It had a tiny bit of ruffles, something I used to wear to a nice beach dinner or some sort of occasion like that.
(Authors note: her dress is at the very top of chapter:)
It was super cute, totally forgot I even had it.
I quickly took a picture then sent it to MJ, which she approved very very fast.

This dress kinda seemed perfect actually. Not too fancy, but not too plain.
Although I don't have the tannest skin ever, I don't look completely white. Which I normally do, but I'm also not insanely pale.
But my blonde hair against the black made it look more vibrant than usual.

Overall, I looked prettier.
And I was totally shocked by that.
I guess changing out of a hoodie every once in a while does change things.

"Meribella, your escort is waiting for you at the front door, shall I let him in?"

"No Grace it's okay. I'll meet him down there. Thank you."
I quickly grabbed a small crossbody bag. I was just about to hurry out of my room, but a pair of glasses and case of contacts on my dresser stopped me.
Should I? Eh, why not.
I grabbed the contacts instead of the glasses. They looked more like sun glasses, but who wears those at night?
I'd like to say that I put my contacts in gracefully, but I really didn't. Once they are in they feel like nothing is there, it's just the process to put them on my eyeball that's hard. Finally I shuffled down the stairs.
wearing sneakers.
I had to keep something the same.

Part of me didn't want to go to this.
Okay fine, all of me actually. It's a high school party. What do teenagers even do at these things? At the avengers parties, we always talked superhero stuff and tried to pick up Thor's hammer.
What can be more interesting than that?

When I opened the door, Flash was about ready to steel something from the front of my house, but I chose to ignore it.
"Ready?" I asked, turning around to lock the door.

He let out a slow whistle.
"For anything you want." He licked his lips and I was about ready to throw up.
I have to stay in the car with this dipshit, plus go to a party with him. Could this night possibly be any worse?


It had definitely gotten worse.
MJ was no where to be found, Flash was off DJ-ing or whatever you call it, Peter and Ned weren't even here. And because no one knows about me, I looked like the loneliest loner at this thing. People were drinking, if you went out back then people were smoking. If you went upstairs then people were doing...
other things...

Gladly, I found a seat right next to the food table. Food was my only friend. And I cherished it.

"Wow, you look good. Better than I imagined if I'm being honest."
I sighed at the sound of MJ's voice.
And I was also surprised at her look.
She was wearing a dress with come black combat boots, but it was sheer at the top. Super cute.

Amethyst and the Spider (SEQUEL IS UP!) Where stories live. Discover now