How I go

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Everything felt slow motion.
I could see the security guards faces as their hands stuck out for me, yelling as if their voice was going to save me.
I could see all of the shattered glass floating in the air,
My body itself was floating in the air. I was flying, just, not the way I ever wanted too.

My hair was scrambling around while my body seemed to stay in the same position as I fell.
I tried to take in a deep breath as I closed my eyes.
The wind flowing passed me, the metal of the shaft floating next to me.

Is this it?
Is this how I go?
Falling down an elevator shaft?
Not very cool.
What about dad, mom, everyone else.
I need to say goodbye.
It can't end this way.

I heard my name being screamed.
Just not the name I'm used too...

I opened my eyes and Spider-Man was diving down the shaft for me.
Once again, it all seemed to be in slow motion...
A tear slipped out from the corner of my eye as i began to accept my fate. This was it. It was my time.

I watched him as his arm moved out to reach for me, his hand fully open, wanting to bring me too him.
His hand formed a specific shape and shot a web, it was slowly reaching to me, the one thing that could save my life right now.
I felt it touch the tip of my finger, then grip across my entire wrist.
Instead of stopping himself, Spider-Man flicked his arm towards himself, pulling me out of the descending elevator in open air and bringing me closer to him as he continued to dive for me.

Both of his arms were reached out as he slowly grabbed my clothing, then he was able to get a firm grip, bringing me into his embrace and holding me tighter than I've ever been held before.
"Hold on Bella." He said into my ear.

He shot out a web to the very top of the monument. It took a little longer, but eventually it stuck and he gradually slowed us down, landing on the floor.

I hadn't noticed that I was wrapped around him; my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.
If his hand was pressed against me any harder I'd be getting a bruise.
"Oh god." He mumbled, looking at me and gently laying me down on the floor, moving the hair from my face.
"Please Tell me you're okay."

Was I?
My body was still in pain...
Everything still hurt.
But I wasn't scared. In fact I felt safe. Just as I always did around him.
I nodded at him and he let out a huge breath.
"I need to get you to your house. Run some tests, make sure you are 100% okay."
Without questioning any of his actions, his hands found a way around my waist and picked me up as if I had weighed nothing. A feather if anything.
I certainly wasn't questioning his actions either.
More tears slipped from my eyes as I tried to stop them. It's not everyday you have near death experiences.
I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths. Falling can be pretty nerve racking.
You know what else can be nerve racking?

Finding out your crush is Spider-Man.

Peters POV:

I almost died today.
And I'm not talking about physically being hurt. I don't worry about that. I can handle myself.
But watching Bella fall.
I almost died. If I hadn't gone to her, if for some reason I wasn't able to get her in time. I would have died with her.

I was standing in her lab with my mask on, watching as she laid in her cradle, being scanned and tested for every possible thing.
She was the only person on that entire elevator that was hurt in any physical way. Everyone else was just terrified.
Something worse happened to her. Something bad. And I need to find out what it was.

I don't know if I can get that look on her face out of my mind.
That look of fear yet acceptance.
She had accepted it. As if I wouldn't be able to save her. As if the end of her story was seconds away.
I saw fear but not panic. I knew what she feared. Her family. She was scared for them.
Everything felt slow motion.

My heart dropped as soon as that elevator did, especially when I reached for her. I was so close to grabbing her hand, but we were too late. I will never be able to get that image out.
Of her just falling, one tear falling down her face. The way she was trying to calm herself down.
Then the way she looked at me. I couldn't have gone any faster. I tried, damn it I tried so hard to push myself and go as fast as I possibly could.
I never been so scared. So terrified to lose someone, and to never be able to see them again. Talk to them and actually hear them respond. To never get one of her famous hugs.

"Peter, you need to see this."
I snapped out of my thoughts and walked over to the screen that Grace was showing me.
"It's her blood. It appears as if she's mutated again. Her body must have bonded with the core."

They must have. Instead of her usual orange cells. Can't believe I'm saying 'usual' in this case.
But, her cells are purple. A bright glowing purple. And before, her cells were pulsing together in a rhythm. Now, they seem to be vibrating at an insanely fast speed while pulsing. But the pulses aren't in an order. It's almost like they are bouncing off each other. Like the tiny waves at the beach that will bounces off of each other and create a new ripple. That's pretty much exactly what her cells seemed to be doing.

"Oh god." I muttered.
When I looked at Bella, she seemed normal. Not normal normal. She looked in pain, but I don't think she's aware that her body has changed. I think she believe that she still has her regular powers. But her entire structure is different now.

"Grace." I said out loud while staring at Bella in the cradle.
"Run everything you can on the core. Every test you can think of, then link it back to Bella. We need to figure out what it's related too, and what it did to her."

"Right away."

"Incoming call from Tony Stark." Karen told me.
Oh god.

"No don't answer it."

"Hey Spider-Man." Tony said through the phone. I could see his face on the inside of my mask being projected. His did not look happy.
"I was enjoying a very nice dinner, when I looked at the TV to see that Spider-Man saves a group of kids, but one is missing..."

What?! No no no no. I got everyone I swear it, everyone was called for.

"Then, I look to see my own daughters face plastered over the screen. Now you can imagine my surprise when I get word that my daughter is missing. Where is she?." He ordered.
Oh no...

"Mr.Stark, Meribella is at her home. She was the only one that got hurt. I Uh, I think you need to get here. Fast."


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