Take me to the ferry

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I didn't get to confront peter about being Spider-Man. I didn't get to call him out and yell at him for how much danger he puts himself in. Or for leaving me stranded on that stupid pillar. And for keeping it a secret in the first place. He knows that my family works in this business, why didn't he want me to know?
But it all makes sense now.
Him being home at weird times. Acting strange whenever someone mentioned Spider-Man. That day in the gym when Ned told everyone Peter knew Spider-Man. his freaking Stark internship. I knew that was a load of shit but thought, hey, maybe dad is starting something new.

It was the next morning when dad finally came over, and he didn't let me stay. While he was talking to "Spider-Man" I had to leave. He never likes to keep me in the loop of things. When will he figure out that when someone says to stay out, I'm gonna do the complete opposite of that? But, instead of proceeding that mission, I had a different one that needed to be continued.

"Grace, can you look up the current location of Aaron Davis?"

"Yes, you are going after him aren't you?"

"Oh Grace, you know me so well."


His location wasn't that far I guess, it was deeper in Queens, nothing too bad. Grace was leading me into a parking garage though. Unless he's a hobo, I don't think he'll be here. And last I checked, hobos weren't able to afford high tech weapons like the one this guy was looking for.

"He is just around this corner." Grace spoke in my coms.
Okay, this is where I go in slow, bay taught me everything. I either make the first strike right away if I have a good enough attack spot, but if not. Then work my magic.
I'm sure Nat didn't mean that phrase in the way I'm taking it, but whatever.

I leaned my head up against the wall and took in a deep breath. Inhaling, exhaling. Why did my hands feel so clamy and wet? Are these nerves? Is that what this is?

"Who's there?"
Well shit. So long for being undetected.
I slowly turned away from the corner and stepped into view of Aaron. He looks like he had just gotten out of his car.
That explains it.

"Do you remember me?" I called out, I stood tall and walked closer to him at a steady pace with my gaze locked into his.

"Yeah I do."
It was meant to be a rhetorical question but okay dude.

"I need to know who those guys were that were selling you weapons. I need names and locations."

He looked at me in a calm way, nodding his head then slowly letting it fall to the floor.
"Yeah, Uh, I ain't got names. But I know where they are gonna be. Staten Island Ferry, around 11."

Well crap, that was easier than I thought it would be.
"Really? That's pretty soon. I thought this would be harder." I shrugged.
Every time Nat and Clint told me stories of their interrogations, there was almost some kind of blood splatter or beating involved. They never had a story without those.
I narrowed my gaze back at him.
"Why just tell me? Isn't selling someone out breaking a criminals rule book?"

He shrugged again, this guy must have been high or just extremely calm. He didn't look stressed in any possible way, he seemed normal, as if he didn't have a care in life. Mainly because he just looked like he didn't care about anything.
"That night you said 'if you're gonna shoot at someone shoot at me'... that was pretty cool, I respected that."

Aww, I was getting his thanks.
"Well." I said
"I thought it would be rude to just let them shoot you. Someone's gotta do something right?"

"Yeah." He agreed, I could have sworn that he had a tiny bit of a smile of his face. Just lightly peaking through.
"I got a nephew who lives here, I don't want those kinds of weapons around. Are uh, you some kind of reporter?"

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