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Still nothing.

How could I be getting nothing.
No updates from Ned, who obviously is aware that I KNOW Peter is Spider-Man!
And I'm sure Ned knows everything that is going on.
But no, i don't know any of it.

Today was Monday. First day back at school since Spider-Man took out Vulture and turned him into the police.
The incident was on the news everywhere, especially since it was a Stark plane.
Anything relating to a Stark ends up being big news. Even if it is just a fact that our family got a cat.
Which sadly would never happen.

Anyway, going back to school was pretty sad. Everyone heard about Liz's dad right away. That must be terrible, to not only find out that your dad is a criminal, but to also know that everyone found out too.
Of course no one gave her a hard time about it, they were just sad to have to say goodbye.
I guess her mom and dad thought it was best to move them to Georgia or something for his trail, so today was her last day.

Even though I didn't know her well, I walked over and immediately saw her red puffy face and swollen eyes.
"Hey liz."

Her eyes turned to me and away from the previous person she was talking too. Sadly she had to look down, yes I'm that small.
"Hey Meribella." She sighed, I don't think it was from seeing me in general, just an overall sad sigh. At least that's what I hoped it was.

"I-I'm really sorry. About everything you're going through right now. I really wish you the best of luck."
Even though I had t known her long, it was still nice to say. And from the look on her face, she completely accepted it.

"Thank you." There was no asking, before I knew it, she was pulling me into a hug. And because I give the best, it was only fitting that I do just that.
"I have to be honest." She said, pulling away after squeezing tightly for a split second.
"It was difficult at times for me to be around you."

I'm sure the confused expression on my face made it very clear that she needed to explain herself.
"Only because of Peter, I had a small crush on him this year, but then when you showed up, he was different. He lit up every time you walked in the room, every time he heard your name. And how can anyone not like you? You're amazing."
This made her sob some more. I honestly didn't know what to say. What was I supposed to say?!
Instead I just pulled her in another hug. As strange as it might sound, I wanted this talk to happen. Get it off my chest, or hers. Maybe both. But I felt like today she would be doing the confessions.

But I couldn't help but think about what she was saying about Peter.
Him, liking me?
It had to be impossible, all he probably saw me as was a friend, a close friend. Or worse, a sister.
There's no way that he'd "lite up" whenever he heard my name.
Normally, all the time, it was the other way around.

"Liz." I said.
"Trust me when I say that I wouldn't stand a chance against you, with any guy."

Liz looked at me for a second, the. Her eyes wondered, and landed on something behind me.
"At the dance, him and I went together. Yet, as soon as you arrived, I was invisible to him." She smirked, talking to me while she looked in a different direction.
What was she looking at?

"I'm not sure you realize how pretty you are, but, even if what you said was true. I definitely wouldn't be able to steel a man who looks at you like that."
She pointed passed me, and for a second I got confused, obviously curious, and as soon as I turned around, there he was.

Peter Parker, standing at the end of the hallway, starring right at me with such an intensity that my legs went weak.
"Go get him." She said.
I wasn't even looking at her, a tiny part of me felt bad that our conversation ended that way, but she left before I could say anything, and my mind was too focused on one person to think about anything else.

I was running. I was running to him, in the middle of the schools hallway. Dozens of kids looking at me like I'm a crazy person.
But hell,
Maybe I was.
No matter how fast I went, it wasn't fast enough.
I didn't care if he liked me back or not, right now I wasn't even worried about it.
I just want him.

His hands were pressed firmly against my waist before I even got the chance to touch him. Even though the sparks were enough to overpower the energy in my body, it didn't stop me from lunging onto him, wrapping my arms around him and burying my face in his neck.
I needed him. Like you need air to breath. And I never wanted to waste another moment of my time without him.

I could feel fire spreading from his touch. It burned through my clothes and made me hot all over, but I didn't want it to stop.
This hug, you could say, was holding a lot into it. Worry, relief, sadness, anger, maybe even love.

When I pulled away, just a bit, I got a look at his face. He looked like a completely different person than the Peter I saw on Saturday's homecoming. But I didn't know what to say.
We were good, then he ignored me, then wanted to protect me, then would get angry, and it was a never ending cycle.

"I need-"

"Bella I-"

We said at the same time, I couldn't help but giggle, and he flashed a murderous smile.
"I'm sorry." His tone was suddenly serious.
"I-I can't believe I ignored you. After Mr.Stark took the suit I didn't know how to act. I didn't know what to do. And when he told me to stay away from you, all I was thinking was that I needed to listen to him.-"

I suddenly just got very angry with my dad. I didn't even know about any of this.

"- I shouldn't have let him done that. I should have fought back, not listened. I-... I treated you horribly." When his voice waved through his last words, my heart broke.
No, I shouldn't forgive him that easily, I knew that, but how could I ever resist that?
I couldn't. Simple fact.

"I like you!... Peter." I blurted.
I don't know what the hell came over me, but I said it, and I wasn't afraid to say it. I wanted him to hear. I wanted the whole world to hear that I, Meribella Stark, thought about Peter Parker every second of everyday without fail.

He blinked, unresponsive. So I continued.
"We were friends, then being here with you. Something changed when I saw you again. It was different, and I didn't know what to think. But now it's you. I think about you, all the time. And you probably don't-"

I felt pressure on my lips, and opened my eyes in pure shock.
Peter was kissing me. His lips, on my very own.
Suddenly, I was lava.
Not only was every part of me burning.. I was melting.
Closing my eyes, I completely melted into this kiss, bringing him closer to me as his grip firmed, pushing me farther up against him.
I'd never felt anything so soft touch my skin.

I'll say one thing that's true though. Nothing has ever tasted better in my life.
Before it looked as if we were trying to devour each other, I placed my hand on his chest and slowly stopped, but I didn't want to.
My eyes still closed, I leaned against his forehead, and his mine.
"Don't finish that sentence." He said in a deep hushed voice.

Just as I was about to say something cute or witty or confess another aspect of how I feel about him, the schools Tv news turned on.
"Hello students" Betty said in a serious tone on the screen.
"Thanks again to our neighborhood Spider-Man, the streets are safer. But, is it only Spider-Man to thank?"

This caught our attention, as well as other students.
"Caught last night, was a photo taken of Spider-Man with his mask off! Sadly you can't make out who his secret identity is. But! You can very well see that he has a friend that has been spotted with him for the previous weeks."

The picture showed up, and yes, Peter did have his mask off. It was when he threw the concrete off of himself and I went to go see him.
Someone was there?!
"I think the question we are all asking ourselves is, who is this mystery hero?"


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