New Discoveries

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I wasn't in pain at least, that's good right?
I didn't feel any pain at all.
Or anything really...
how can I not feel something? I just got shot.
I'm going to feel at least a tiny prick.
Instead, all I could feel was wind on my face.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to open my eyes, or keep them closed. I've gone this far, might as well open them.

When I did, I was surprised to see that I was no longer on the floor, but in the air.
"How do you manage to put yourself in danger so much?" I heard someone ask me.
That's when I noticed the red arm wrapped around my waist.
That felt familiar
When I looked up, it was no other than the famous Spider-Man.

He landed us both down carefully, he seemed kinda upset.
"Stay here, do not move." He ordered, pointing a finger at me then swinging away to go and stop the bad guys.

"Grace, please tell me you are able to figure out who those bad guys are."

Holograms and facial recognition began to fill my contacts. I was able to see everything so clearly.
"Wow, dad really out did it didn't he?"

"I've recorded every encounter. Two men cannot be recognized." She told me.

"Okay." Walking off of the...

"What's wrong?" Grace asked me.

Freaking wonderful.
"It seems as if Spider-Man really didn't want me to leave. Grace. I'm on a pillar. With no way off."
How could I have not noticed before? Literally, I am on a stupid pillar with no way off, and might I add, it's not exactly the kind you jump off of.

"Would you like me to call wicsy ?" Wicsy? Who the hell was wicsy?

"Grace do you mean Someone named Trixy? We don't know a Trixy."

"No. I mean WICSY... W.I.C.S.Y.  Which stands for, 'when I can't save you'. Your dad made a prototype suit for you." 

Dad made a suit.. for me?
"Umm.. yeah, call wicsy please."

I didn't have to wait long before Wicsy came.
"Grace, what kind of a name is Wicsy anyway?"

"I'm not sure. I believe he was drinking that night."
I chuckled to myself.
Of course he was.

The suit was hovering right in front of me, and it looked beautiful... it looked badass actually.
Instead of the classic gold and silver, Dad had replaced it with a purple and flat black. It looked amazing.

"Would you like to try it on?"

"Definitely." I answered. The suit landed on the pillar with me and the front opened up for me to walk into it.
I did as I was supposed to and it closed as I was secured inside my suit.
Just like my contacts, holograms filled my view and showed me calculations and a bunch of different scientific things that I will figure out soon.
"One problem grace. I don't know how to fly this thing."

"Don't worry. It is designed for autopilot until you are able to fly manually." The suit began to fly up. I was able to move my arms and legs, but I couldn't actually control the suit.. yet.

I could understand why dad loved his suits so much. This was amazing. I felt free, like I could do anything I wanted.
As I continued to look around, I saw dad. Well, I saw iron man. Diving into the water and coming out with a person in his arms. It looked like Spider-Man.

"Grace, I need to see what dad is up too."

"I'm sorry, but my protocol is to get you home safely until you are able to learn how to properly fly in this suit."

"Is there any way to change the protocol?" I argued.

"Sadly not. Maybe you can hack it when you get home."

Amethyst and the Spider (SEQUEL IS UP!) Where stories live. Discover now