In Space Part 3

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We were quiet. Hiding.
Hiding for dear life and not making any kind of sound.

I don't even know exactly where Peter Quill and his band of misfits were, I don't even know exactly where dad was stationed. But I knew where Peter was.
Right next to me, the entire time. He refused to leave my side, no matter what. Even if the time was just passing.
Like hearing a distant clock, ticking as the seconds passed by. Giving you that anxious feeling that something bad is going to happen and it is going to happen soon.

As soon as I saw a puff of strange grey smoke form from nothing, then a huge figure walked out of it. I knew it.
This is it.
I didn't have to squeeze Peters arm in order for him to realize how terrified I truly was, but I did anyway, and he gave me a reassuring squeeze back. He was here with me. Always.

"Oh yeah." Stephen spoke. He was sitting on some steps in the rubble.
This planet was probably very beautiful once.
Not anymore though.
"You're much more of a Thanos."

The big purple man was muscular. Extremely. And probably about 11 feet tall. Had on some weird kind of armor, but he seemed calm. That was the scary part.
"I take it my soldier is dead."
Thanos nodded his head.
"This day extracts a heavy toll."
Ugh. He's the kind to speak in riddles.
"Still he accomplished his mission."

"You May regret that." The doctor spoke next.
"That brought you face to face with the master of mystic arts."
Peter and I moved along the edge of whatever large chunk of metal we were hiding behind to get a better look.

"Where do you think he brought you?" Thanos was walking closer to the doctor, but Stephen remained calm as well.

"Let me guess." He taunted.
"Your home?"

Thanos rested his leg on a boulder, looking up at the sky.
"It was." He lifted the gauntlet and I shriveled in my place. It shimmered red quickly, then everything changed.
"And it was beautiful."
A red laser passed through the sky, and the planet we were on rearranged itself in a matter of seconds after the laser passed.
The sky was blue instead of an orangish red that symbolized death and defeat.
All of the structures were actually standing and not sticking halfway in the ground and demolished. What got me most were the people. There were actual people walking around as if this illusion was real. It's not real.
It's not real.
"Titan was like most planets. 20 mounds and not enough to go around.... and when we faced extinction I offered a solution."

"Genocide." The Doctor finished for him.

"At random." Thanos added.
"Just passionate, fair to the rich and poor alike. And they called me a madman."
The red stone still glowing on the gauntlet he set his arm down and brought back our reality.
"And what I predicted came to be."

"Congratulations you're a profit." Stephen said matter-of-factly

"I'm a survivor."

"Who wants to murder trillions."

"With all six stones I can simply snap my fingers." Thanos gave an example.
"And they would all cease to exist. I call that mercy."

Stephen got up from sitting on the stairs and started to walk towards Thanos.
"Then what?"

"Afterwards I can finally rest. I can watch the sunrise on a new grateful universe." He set his head down to look at the floor.
"The hardest choices require the toughest will."

I could see that The doctor was getting fed up with this grapes bullshit. As was I.
"I think you'll find that our will, is equal, to yours." Stephen began to create an energy shield with his hands that glowed a bright neon orange, sparking with every new move he added.

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