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(Meribella's new suit^^)

"You've got everything right?" I asked him as we started to line up in our classroom, waiting for our teacher to lead us in a single file to the busses.

He checked his pockets and backpack a few times, patting himself down.
"Yeah, I think so."

I eyed him carefully, leaning against the wall and crossing my arms.
I say their waiting for him to realize what he had missed.


His face froze as he looked up to me.
"Oh no. My suit.." he whispered to me, walking closer so that no one else would be able to hear.

"I know." I whispered back.
He gave me a confused look, then I super sped the suit from my backpack into his own.

He was very confused at what had just happened, looking around in a circle.
"What?- d-did you just?"

"Yes I did. Now are we ready? Because the class is walking." Peters gaze on me narrowed but I could still see the twinkle in his eyes that seemed to get me up in the mornings.

"Whatever." He said simply. Walking out with the rest of our class as I chuckled. Sometimes I forget how much I crave him in the day. Just him. Not specifically his kiss or touch, (though I do crave that as well)
But just him.
His face, his smile. The twinkles in his eyes. I love it. And in a day, I need it.

"Alright everyone, off we go, please keep your heiny in your seats." Our teacher said, pushing up his nerdy glasses farther up the top of his nose and sitting down himself.

The busses started to move, and I couldn't help but feel a certain way. A gut feeling...
Peters presence was around me within a second. I could feel it. I didn't even have to see him.
"What's wrong?"

I shook my head.
"I don't know."
Just as I said those words, I felt my phone buzz.
When I looked at it, my chest felt heavy. I wasn't sure if it was in relief or worry.
"Dad?" I said, sliding the green button through and pulling my phone up to my ear.

"Hey kiddo. Where are you heading off too?"

I rolled my eyes.
"Of course you're have a tracker on my phone." I wanted to hang up. First time from talking to dad from our heated argument after he found out about my other secret identity, and he's crowding.

"No no no, I was just curious. I was going to ask if you wanted to walk through the park with your mom and I.."

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say? What do I say?
"D-do you mean... go outside? W-with you guys?"

Peter looked at me differently after saying this. I couldn't read his look. It was new, almost a type of shock, surprise.

"Yeah. Umm. With your consent, of course... you're mom and I were thinking, that maybe you'd like to finally... be in the world."

This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening.
After 15 years of being alone.
Of being hidden from the world, no one knowing who I am. Not existing.
After 15 years, I finally have a chance to become a person..

"Are you... please, tell me you aren't lying. That this isn't some, some joke."
My throat started burning. Like acid running down. If I was drowning, this is how I'd imagine it would feel for the need of air to be let it. The hurt, the heat and burning. The constant cry for oxygen.
My vision became blurry as warm senses poked from the corner of my eyes.

"No. I'm not kid. Your mom and I had a major discussion after that night we found out about you being the Amethyst. And we both cane to this conclusion. So, what do say? Are you officially ready to be a Stark?"

I could see the need in Peters eyes to know what was happening to me, he wasn't even in his seat anymore, he was kneeling down right in front of me, trying to capture any sign of what could be wrong. I couldn't even look him in the eye if I tried, tears were falling down faster than I could ever stop them.

My dream...
this was my dream, and it was finally happening.
I was finally going to be normal..
Well, my version of it.

"I can miss the field trip, a-and I can run over. I'll give them an excuse but yes I want to be with you guys. I'll be over in-"


As in Banner? Bruce Banner? The brilliant scientist exposed to a shit ton of radiation and turned into a gigantic green Kong?

I could hear mumbling and talking on the other end of the phone. But no one was talking to me.
"Dad? Mom?" I kept calling to them, yet no answer. They were taking to someone. Then eventually, the line went dead.

Bruce. Is Bruce back? After four years could he really be back?
I'd have to tell Nat about this. Everyone. I've missed him terribly, but I know Nat has as well. After everything she'd gone through, he was the one man she could see herself being with...
Then he disappeared.

"Meribella. What happened? Tell me."

I looked up at him and could see half way clearly. I didn't even know where to begin.
"I- I don't.."

Peters face was stern. For all he knew, something terrible was happening. For all he knew, I was in a moment of crisis and him knowing me best, I'd do something stupid in a moment of crisis.
"I'm a Stark."

Peters eyes went wide. A few kids on our bus heard and gave me confused and shocked looks. Some I could see didn't believe, and others were believing anything they heard from anyone.
"Bella, what are you doing?" Peter said quietly, pulling me down as if it was going to shield others from my voice.

I sat up straight and looked him in the eye, a smile on my face. He was confused as ever and it was expressed vividly across his face.
"I am a Stark, Peter. Tony Stark is my dad, and Pepper Potts is my mom. They're my parents!"
I nearly belted it out. Laughing from what felt like a perfect high.
I certainly must have been on what.

I could hear gasps and murmurs going around the bus, MJ looked at me, her facial expression shocked, probably from the fact that she hadn't figured it out beforehand. My incredible smarts, and the striking features I have relating to both of my parents.

"What has gotten into you?" Peter nearly stood up, looking down at me and placed his hands on the sides of my head.
"What is going on, please, you need to tell me." He pleaded and I did nothing but tell him.
I told him the entire phone call and what my dad said.
I told him about them wanting to walk with me in the park, and finally announce me as a Stark.

Peter practically hit his head on the roof of the bus out of pure joy. Grasping me in a tight and firm hug, I couldn't keep straight during that hug, he was practically laying on top of me while I was giggling like a school girl.
This had to have been the best day of my entire life.

Without warning, Peter became still...
Very still..

"Peter?" I said, placing my hands at his sides.
"Peter what's wrong?"

I could see the hairs on his arm sticking up in a matter of seconds, and just like that. He whipped his head up and looked above me through the window, his pupils shrinking from the light, then growing slowly.

"Bella. We need to go."

I was beyond confused. He quickly got off of me and started to gather his backpack, sliding across to another seat to talk to Ned.
I looked out the window, and thought that maybe I was in a dream. Some crazy, horrendous dream that I'd officially wake up from.
I prayed this was a dream.

"We're all gonna die!!" I heard Ned yell on the bus, my classmates all started screaming and going crazy, everyone going to one side of the bus to see the giant spaceship that was hovering over the City.

"Time to go." I whipped my head around to see Peter giving me a sorry look with his eyes. I didn't need to say anything. I simply nodded as he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding onto my tightly to make sure I won't fall, then we jumped out the window of the bus.

Swinging on our way to save the city.


Amethyst and the Spider (SEQUEL IS UP!) Where stories live. Discover now