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"INTO THE WILD WE GO, IT WOULD SEEM." AURELIA let herself take in the cold, fresh air of the new environment surrounding the group venturing into unknown territory. "I was thinking—how many of these fools have camping experience?" Stefan looked around at Rebekah first, seated just ahead of them on their shared boat—then Elena and Jeremy in a neighboring vessel with Bonnie—then the Professor Shane—and finally back to Damon, who'd been sitting in the boat with them. "I'm sure if it weren't for the fact that some of them are vampires—" She eyed Elena with a small smirk. "They wouldn't last a second here."

"We don't know anything about this place either—not besides the cure." Stefan followed her line of vision, which had shifted slowly to the groups and mazes of trees past the shoreline they were about to reach. "I'm sure it'll be a good idea to—you know—be careful, even with supposed camping experience."

"Fair enough." The woman hummed, just at the boats came to a stop. "Well, looks like it's time to get this shit done with." And she jumped into the shin deep water, fingers wrapping quickly around the weighty, coarse rope Stefan handed her. "Rebekah, some help would be much appreciated," She continued, walking around to take a good look at her sister figure. "Considering you have at least six centuries on anyone over here."

"I'm good." Rebekah chirped, leaning back in her seat. "I enjoy when I'm being treated like a little princess—though, I would've preferred a bigger boat." She looked at the younger vampire, whose eyes had just so slightly changed in expression. Not disappointment, but impatience and annoyance—much to Rebekah's concern, it held a touch of threat in itself, making her rise to her feet quickly.

She'd heard about her brother's unfortunate demise, of course. She'd also heard, from Stefan and a malicious Klaus—who was still stuck in Elena's home under dear Caroline's care—of what Aurelia had pulled after finding his body.

Rebekah was devastated when she received the news. When she'd taken a look at Elena this morning, she wanted to gut the woman. Aurelia, having had far less spats and arguments with Kol over the centuries than she had, obviously had the closer bond with him.

It didn't take romantic love to react the way the Heretic had.

"I can help—" Stefan tried to suggest, but received a dismissive wave from Aurelia.

"Rebekah's a big girl," She assured with a sarcastic smile, throwing the rope for the subject in question to catch with a huff. "She'll manage just fine."

"I mean, if she doesn't—" Damon piped in. "I could always come to the rescue. As she said, Rebekah loves her princess treatment." Aurelia slapped him on the shoulder as they trudged through the shallowing water, towards the sandy beach.

"Please," She countered. "She's like—what? Eight? —eight centuries older than you are, pretty boy. You've got nothing on her." Damon pouted slightly, shaking a foot to get rid of the excessive water. "Heck, I'd do this better and faster than you, too."

"Well, as I always say—" His lips morphed into a slick smirk. "I love my women when they can fold me in a second." Aurelia raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes, concerned for her friend at the statement.

"Never heard you say that, first of all." She said. "Second, careful. You have a girlfriend now." She patted his back with fake sympathy. "I'm so sorry for your loss." Damon threw her an unimpressed look, earning a small shrug. "What? Feelings are work."

"Well, yeah—" Noticing she was a few strides ahead of him, her feet sinking slightly into the loose sand, he caught up to her. "I'm willing to put in that work with her."

"Even if she isn't worth all that trouble?" Aurelia's question hadn't surprised Damon—even he'd heard about the mess, and frankly, what he did want to ask questions about, was how Aurelia was able to restrain herself now. He was grateful for it, of course, but didn't like having to sit on the very line of peace and war with his little knowledge about his emotions.

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