(15) you're kidding

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Adrianna's POV:

It was a normal day. I only had two more weeks before our trip. I was so exited. I am so in love with Colby. I have dreamed of this so much. I have dreamed of having Colby in my life and he is finally in it.

—"Babe what are you thinking?"— he asked
—"How lucky I am to have you in my life"— I said
—"I am the lucky one"— He laughed
—"I love you"
—"Me too Colbs"— I said walking out of my room

My phone started ringing. It was my dad. I haven't talk to anyone in my family since I moved. (About 5 months ago)

Hey dad

Hey Baby

Is everything okay?

Not really, I need you to come home

Why? What happened? Are you ok?

Yes I'm fine, but

But what?

Your grandpa died


Yes, I'm sorry

I'll be there in a day

Okay, I love you

I placed the phone in the table and started crying. My grandpa was one of the persons I really cared the most. I feel guilty because I was not there for him.

—"What is wrong babe?"— Colby asked hugging me
—"M-my G-grandpa Died"— I said —"I need to go home"
—"I can't let you leave alone, I'm coming with you"— Colby said
—"Are you sure?"— I said
—"Yes, ill book flights for tonight"—Colby said
—"Thank you"— I said

I went to my room and I couldn't stop crying. Colby entered the room and hugged me. I started packing some clothes. I was only going to be home for three days. I'm so glad Colby is coming with me. I was scared to go back.

—"We are leaving at 12"— Colby said

—"It's currently 7"— I said —"Let's go to your house so you can pack and we leave from there"
—"Okay lets go baby"— Colby said
I took my stuff and yelled like I always do.
—"WHAT?!"— He yelled from his room
—"I'm going back to Connecticut for three days"— I said
—"But why what happened?— he said a little worried
—"My grandpa died"— I sobbed

—"Omg come here you"— he hugged her tight
—"I know how important your grandpa was for you, I'll take care of the house"

—"Thank you"— I said
—"At least I won't have to deal with this alone"— I smiled —"Colby is coming with me"

—"That's good, thanks Colby"— he said smiling

—"That's What I'm here for"— Colby said hugging me
—"Well what are you waiting for? Go go"— Matt said

We walked out the door and I jumped into Colby's car. We got to the trap house and I told everyone we were leaving. I wanted to cry so hard. Everything was going to well. Why did this had to happen? Why my grandpa? I don't even want to see my mom right know. I don't want to talk to her. I only want to see my dad and my brother. I went upstairs and I took a shower. I don't know if I was ready to go back. I couldn't stop thinking. I finished taking my shower and I grabbed a pair of jeans and Colby's "Now or never" shirt and I got dressed and went downstairs.
—"Are you ready to leave?"— Colby asked
—"Not really"— I said
—"It will be fine"— Colby said —"Jake is driving us to the airport"
—"That scares me even more"— I laughed
—"That hurts my feelings Adrianna"— Jake said looking at me
—"I'm sorry Jake"— I said laughing
We went in Jake's care and he started driving. I was in the back by myself. I was literally laying down. We arrived to the airport and there was a bunch of fans there. How the hell did they know? I didn't tell anyone.
—"Did you tweeted something?"— Colby asked
—"No"— I said —"I haven't even looked at my social media today"
—"It was your brother"— Jake said
—He tweeted "I cant wait to see you sis"—Jake said
—"Shit"— I said
Security came and talked to us.
—"Are you guys youtubers?"— The guy asked
—"Yeah, we have family issues"— I said
—"No problem, we will get you security"— The guy said as he walked away
I took a couple pictures with some fans and finally the security arrived and we went to check in. We waited about 40 minutes in a room where no fans could see us. It was finally time to get in the plane. We went inside and I was sitting next to Colby. At least I had the window seat. Colby was in the middle and then next to him there was an old lady.
—"You two are cute together"— She said
—"Thank you"— Colby smiled
It was about 6 hours of traveling. It was going to be morning when we arrive. All because of the time zone change. I was scared. I only remember falling asleep in Colby's arm.

Lucky or dreamer?||| Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now