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     "Do you think Max will think I'm too nerdy?" Dustin asked as Mary fixed the backpack on his Halloween costume. 

     "If she goes to the arcade just like you and friends, I'm pretty sure she's equally as nerdy," Mary said with a small laugh. "Come on, Mom's gonna want to take pictures of you." 

     "Why don't teenagers dress in costumes?" Dustin asked as the two walked to their living room. "Is it because of the hormones?" 

     "What? No," Mary said laughing at him. "We're just told to grow up and stop wearing costumes. The fun is taken out of it. But hey, kid, you do you." Dustin smiled in response, the two entering their living room. 

     "Ah! It's adorable! Okay, okay, get in front of the fireplace. I want pictures," their mom said, waving Dustin to the fireplace. Mary stood behind her with a smile as Dustin posed with a smile. "Oh! I want to see those pearls!" Mary motioned for Dustin to smile wide, the boy doing exactly that. Their mother scatted the tune to Ghostbusters, Mary holding back a laugh as their cat meowed with her. "Who you gonna call?" 

     "Okay, Stantz, let's go. Gotta get to school on time," Mary said motioning for Dustin to follow her out. "Bike today?" 

      "Yup! See you later!" Dustin called. 

     "Sweetie, you can take my car to school today. I can take the other one to the shop," her mom offered as Mary was walking to the door. 

     "Really? You don't have to do that, mom," Mary said as she grabbed the keys from the plate. 

     "It's okay. Go, you'll be late, too." She was shooed out of the house, then began her drive to school. 


     The schools parking was as chaotic as ever. Since it was Halloween, more boys than usual were smoking, which also meant people would be running around in masks just to scare everyone. Mary shut her car door, looking across the parking lot to see Billy staring at her. She looked away quickly, furrowing her eyebrows as she walked on. 

     Someone suddenly ran up behind her, tasering her sides and screaming, 'boo' to scare her. Mary jumped nearly two feet, then turned to see Steve laughing with Nancy by his side. 

     "Harrington, you ass wipe!" Mar shouted, hitting his shoulder. 

     "Hey, come on, it was funny," Steve defended himself. "Right, Nance?" 

     "You did look really scared," Nancy said, a smile growing on her face. 

     "I'll get you back, Harrington. Don't worry," Mary said as the three began to walk into the school. 

     "I heard Hargrove was bothering you during trig? Need any help getting him off your back?" Steve asked. He was always trying to be over protective since he'd been practically best friends with Mary since they were little kids. 

     "I think I'm okay. Just another boy trying to get in my pants yet again," Mary said sarcastically. 

     "Oh, because that happens so often," Nancy joked with her. 

     "Not even last week, Tommy tried to get in my pants for, what, the millionth time?" Mary questioned. "Jonathan would know, he was there." 

     "Bold of Tommy to try and get in your pants with Jonathan present," Steve stated. 

     "Actually, you and Jonathan are the only two men at this school who haven't tried to have sex with me," Mary inquired as she looked up at Steve. 

     "Ha-ha-ha, very funny. Sophomore year, New Years Eve party," Nancy said, glaring up at Steve. 

     "Oh, yeah!" Mary said, looking to Nancy. "Steve, you were desperate that night. Something had gotten into you." 

     "I was still friends with Tommy then, he said I needed to hook up with someone in order to become a part of his inside circle," Steve defended himself as they all began to approach Nancy's locker first. 

    "Oh, which meant trying to sleep with anyone?" Nancy asked, laughing slightly. 

     "It's in the past, Nancy. He is now in a happy and loving relationship," Mary said, smiling between them. 

     "I am," Steve said. He wrapped his arms around Nancy's waist, kissing the side of her head. "I will see you two later. Don't do anything fun without me." 

    "No promises," Nancy called. Steve walked away from the two, Mary looking to Nancy slowly. 

     "Why'd you tense up when I said you're in a loving relationship?" she asked immediately. Nancy let her shoulders sag, then she turned to Mary. 

     "I'm not sure that I... Love Steve," she said with a frown. 

     "This would only be bad if you've already told him you love him," Mary said as the two walked towards Nancy's first class. 

     "I have." 

     "Oh, Nance," Mary frowned. "You just have to tell him the truth." 

     "I know, I know, but... I can't bring myself to tell him," Nancy said looking down at her books again. 

     "You'll figure it out, you always do," Mary told her. "I'll see you in sixth." Nancy waved to her, Mary walking to her first hour class. She sat in her regular seat, shifting through her papers to find the homework that was due. 

     "It's the one on top. You went right past it." Mary looked up from her paper sorting, then to her right to see Billy sitting there.

     "Can I help you?" she asked, looking down to her papers again. She realized that he was right, placing the paper on the table in front of her. 

     "Oh, this is where I sit now. You have a new lab buddy," Billy smiled.

     "Great," Mary mumbled. 

     "Your car any better?" Billy asked leaning towards the girl to his left. "I saw you pull into the parking lot, looked different. It's pretty easy to notice when a beautiful 67 Chevy Impala like that goes missing." 

     "I drove my mom's car today, she's got the other one in the shop with our mechanic guy Dean. Nice eye for the car, though," Mary answered as she pulled out her notebook, trying to distract herself from the smell of smoke and men's cologne that was radiating off of the denim clad boy next to her.

     "I could give you a ride to the party tonight. Max is going trick of treating in a rich neighborhood, so I've got a seat open for you," Billy offered. 

     "Max your sister?" Mary asked. 

     "No, she's just some bitch." 

     "Did you just call your sister a bitch?" Mary asked, looking to Billy in confusion. 

     "So that's what made you look up," he responded. "I did. Not really my sister, though. We're not related."

     "Whatever you say. And no, I don't need a ride. I'll get there by myself just fine," Mary said, turning her body to face Billy. 

     "You sure? I mean, if you really don't need a ride-" 

     "Okay, Hargrove, let's get something straight. I'm not looking to fuck you anytime soon. I have to focus on my school and taking care of my mom and brother. Ask about it again, and I'll cut your dick off." Mary turned to her notebook again, Billy smirking lightly at her outburst. He turned to face the front, the smirk forming a smile at some point. He didn't know what it was, but he liked Mary. 

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