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warning: slight mature language

     Saturday morning, Mrs. Henderson was stood on her lawn, squeaking a cat toy and calling Mews in. Dustin and Mary had said that maybe Mews was lost, and they were pretending to call people to make sure they could cover up Mews disappearing real. Mary currently held the phone to her ear, as Dustin told her their mom was walking back into the house. 

     "Mary, baby, you're sure she's not in your room?" their mom asked. Mary held up a finger as she listened to the automated message.

     "Uh-huh. Thank you so much, Mr. McCorkle," Mary said to sell the act. "Thank you so much. You are a true lifesaver. All right, this was great." The line started beeping. "Thank you. All right. Have a good one. Bye-bye, now... All right. You, too." Mary set down the phone as Dustin nudged her slightly. "All right, great news." 

     "They found her?" Mrs. Henderson asked hopefully. 

     "No," Mary answered. "But they saw her wandering around Loch Nora." 

     "How did the poor baby get all the way out there?" Mrs. Henderson asked, clutching her chest.

     "I don't know. Lost, I guess," Dustin shrugged. 

     "But they're gonna look for her. And we'll stay here, just in case they call again. And you're gonna go help look? Yeah?" Mary asked as her mother stepped towards her. "Yeah? Give me a hug. Give me a hug." Her mother embraced her, Mary motioning for Dustin to get in on it. He sighed, walking over and joining the hug. "Go get her. You're gonna find her." 

     "Okay," Mrs. Henderson nodded. She grabbed her sunglasses and purse, beginning to walk out of the house. 

     "We can find her," Dustin reassured. 

     "We can find her," their mother repeated. 

     "Love you, mom," Mary said with a small smile. 

     "I love you," she replied. 

     "I love you," Dustin smiled. 

     "I love you," she said, smiling at him, too. 

     "All right, go," Mary said, waving her out. The door closed then, the two siblings letting out deep breath's. The second they did that, Dustin turned to go start the trap he had in mind. Mary was staying outside as she was terrified that her face would get eaten off by Dart. Eventually, Mary saw Dustin running out of the house in full hockey gear as to not get eaten by Dart. He ran into the shed with Mary, the two waiting for Dart to run outside and take the bate. 

     "Come on, I know you're hungry," Dustin muttered. Dart then stepped out of the house, eating the line of bologna that Dustin set up. "Yes, yes, yes, come on." He got to the very last one, then paused. His head whipped to face the shed, Mary and Dustin jumping back. "Shit!" Mary peered through the slits again to see Dart was closer and staring right at her. She grabbed Dustin and the two pinned their bodies against the wall of the shed. 

     "Give me the hockey stick," Mary whispered. Dustin held it out, Mary looking to the door. She took a deep breath, then burst open the door and hit Dart with the hockey stick. He flew into the cellar, Mary dropping the stick and running that way. She closed the first door, then got the second and kept her body pressed against the metal as Dart was banging on it to get out. "I'm sorry. You ate my cat." 


     "No one's answering?" Mary asked, raising an eyebrow. 

     "Well, Erica answered Lucas's line, but she told me to shut up," Dustin said sheepishly. 

     "Okay, I'll drive us to Mike's house. We'll try and find everyone there," Mary said grabbing the extra set of car keys from the bowl. "You cleaned the carpet, right?" 

     "Yeah. You buried the cat, right?" Dustin asked as they approached Mary's car. 

     "Of course I did," Mary snapped. They began to drive to the Wheeler's house, Mary slamming the breaks as they stopped in front of the house. They approached the front door, Dustin knocking rather loudly. A few seconds later, Mr. Wheeler answered the door. 

     "Your line has been busy for over two hours, Mr. Wheeler. Do you realize this?" Dustin asked harshly.

     "Oh, I do realize," he answered. 

     "Is Mike home?" Dustin asked.


     "No? Well, where the hell is he?" Dustin asked. 

     "Karen, where's our son?" Mr. Wheeler asked, leaning into the house. 

     "Will's!" Karen shouted. 

     "Will's," Mr. Wheeler repeated to the two in front of him.

     "No one's picking up there," Dustin sighed out.

     "Nancy. What about Nancy?" Mary asked. 

     "Karen, where's Nancy?" Mr. Wheeler called. 

     "Ally's!" Karen screamed back, more frustrated this time. 

     "Ally's," Mr. Wheeler repeated. "Our children don't live here anymore. You didn't know that?" 

     "Seriously?" Dustin asked like Mr. Wheeler was insane.

     "Am I done here?" he asked. 

     "Son of a bitch. You're really no help at all, you know that?" Dustin grumbled as he began to saunter away. 

     "Hey! Language," Mr. Wheeler called after him. The two turned and began to walk away, Mary hitting the back of Dustin's head. She paused upon seeing Steve's car pull up to the house. 

     "Oh, hell yes," she muttered. "Dustin, come on." She walked to Steve as he was heading towards the house. 

     "Listen, I've been thinking... I love you. I'm sorry. Sorry? What am I sorry for?" Steve mumbled to himself. 

     "Steve!" He looked over, confused to see Mary. "Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?" 

     "No," he answered. 

     "Good," Mary nodded. She snatched the flowers, motioning for Dustin to get in the back of Steve's car. 

     "Hey. What the hell?" Steve called. 

     "Nancy isn't home," Mary told him. 

    "Where is she?" Steve asked. 

    "Not Ally's," Mary shrugged. "Come on, we have bigger problems than your love life. Do you still have that bat?" 

     "Bat? What bat?" Steve asked confused. 

     "The one with the nails?" Mary asked. 

     "Why?" Steve countered, even more confused. 

     "I'll explain it on the way," Mary said opening the passenger side door. 

     "What, now?" Steve asked. 

    "Now!" Mary demanded. He ran back up to his car, getting in and beginning to drive back to the Henderson household. 


sorry for not updating for a few days
i got real busy but i'm here now!! 

regular updates again :)

also, let me know what you think so far
and if you've got any opinions or anything
just comment! 

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