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     Everything was dark. Nothing was moving anymore, and it felt like he was just stuck in this void of nothingness. Billy felt like he wasn't breathing and he didn't even know if he was in control. It felt like a complete out of body experience. He'd only felt this when he was high or super drunk, never sober. 

     Finally, he was pulled back as he could hear a car honking at him. He glanced up to see the light was green, and he pressed the gas slowly. He'd been more careful driving at that moment than he ever had before in his entire life. Eventually, his car rolled up to the diner nearly ten minutes later. He saw Mary sitting inside with what seemed to be a coffee mug in front of her. 

     He knew it was hot chocolate, though. She'd shared with him that she hated coffee, so why would she be drinking it now? He pushed his thoughts aside, turning the car off. Billy pushed himself out slowly, turning to see Mary still sitting inside. She checked her watch, sitting back in the chair. Billy's heart pounded then, scared of her decision. 

     He didn't want Mary to leave him, that's the opposite of what he wanted. But at the same time, he wanted what was best for her. He wanted her to be happy, and if being happy meant going to New York then he understood. No matter what, he was still scared.

     Billy didn't realize that tears were leaving his eyes until he felt one hit his hand. He saw the bruising already beginning to form on his knuckles. He slammed the car door, leaning against roof as he let his head fall into his hands. 

     Mary, from inside the restaurant, could hear the slam of the car door. She looked up from the hot chocolate in front of her to see Billy leaning against his car. She saw him drop his head into his hands, making her furrow her eyebrows. She pulled out a five for the hot chocolate, placing it on the table. She rushed outside, Billy not turning at the sound of the bell. Mary walked around the car to see Billy sobbing into his hands. 

     "Hey, hey, hey," Mary said stepping towards him. She placed a hand against his face, Billy trying to pull away from her. "Hey, no, look at me, look at me." Mary guided his face to look at her, Billy trying to calm down a bit. "Baby, what happened?" 

     "I'm sorry," he said, shaking his head at her. "I'm so sorry, Mary." He began to sob again, Mary pulling him into her. 

     "It's okay, Billy, it's okay," she whispered. "It's okay." He was scared of what his dad might do to him if he went home. But he was more scared of what his dad might to do Mary. "Baby, tell me what happened?" Billy pulled back slowly, studying her face through the tears. He could tell she was confused, but he could also tell that she was worried. 

     "I hit him back," Billy finally said. Mary didn't quite understand at first. 

     "Who? Who did-"

     "My dad," he interrupted. "I hit him." Mary's heart pounded at Billy's words, and he could see her expression change. From worry, to fear, to confusion all at once. "He said he was going to kill me." Mary didn't know how to respond to that. This had never happened before. Sure, he'd showed up at her window a few times asking to spend the night because his dad was angry, but this was different. 

     "Okay, come on, we'll go back to my house. I'll drive," Mary offered to him. Billy just nodded once, pulling out his car keys. He walked around to the other side of the car, getting in the passenger seat. Mary started the car, looking to Billy who was just staring forward. "Billy." He looked over at her with tears still running down his face. "You wanna know where I'm going?" He looked down, Mary knowing what he was scared of. He was scared she'd say New York. 

     "New York?" Billy questioned. Mary tried to suppress the chuckle from her throat, but only one escaped.

    "No," she answered. Billy looked over quickly, eyes wide now. "No, baby, I'm going to California." Billy's heart pounded at her words, his brain trying to decide if this was real. He finally leaned over to Mary, kissing her softly. She kissed him back slowly, Billy placing a hand against her face gently. After a moment, he let go. He looked up into her eyes, Mary nodding that she really did choose Cali. He smiled lightly out of shock, then kissed her again. Tears streamed down his face still, and he never wanted to let go of her. 


     The next day, Billy didn't go to school. Mary tried to get him up, but he didn't seem to want to. He would only turn to the wall and ignore Mary begging him to get out of bed. He still refused. He was scared that Neil would be at the school waiting for him. If he was honest, he didn't want Mary to go to school either. But she left because he didn't say anything. 

     The whole day, Mary seemed a bit paranoid. In each class that she had with Billy, the teacher would ask her where he was. She'd have to tell them that he was sick, then collect his work for him. By the time the day ended, Mary was already too tired to do any homework. It was only Tuesday, too. 

     By the time she got home, it was nearly 4:00. She knew that Billy was probably worried beyond belief by now, which meant she had to drive home faster. She parked her car in the driveway, glad to see that the Camaro was still parked on the street. She walked inside quickly to see Billy sitting in the couch, flipping through a magazine. It was one of her moms that she left laying around. He looked up upon her entrance, a smile falling on his face. 

     "I was worried when you weren't here by three-thirty," Billy said, setting the magazine down. 

     "I was worried all day," Mary sighed out, Billy walking towards her. 

     "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have worried you like that," Billy told her, his arms finding their way around her waist. Mary looked up at him to see his face was somewhere between scared and sure of himself.

     "Are you okay?" she asked. 

     "I'm fine. Just needed a day to myself," Billy answered with a confident nod. "I want to take you somewhere tonight, just you and me." 

     "Billy, it's Tuesday," Mary said with a small laugh. 

     "Fine, I want to take you somewhere on Friday," Billy said, a small smile growing across his face. "Just you and me. You'll love it." 

     "Okay, but you have to promise me, promise, that you'll tell me whenever somethings wrong," Mary said, narrowing her eyes at him. 

     "I promise," he said. He leaned down and pecked her lips, Mary smiling at him. "In the mean time..." Billy trailed off, picking up Mary and throwing her over his shoulder. She yelped in surprise, laughing as Billy carried her to her room. He placed her down on her bed, hovering over her. "You're going to California." 

     "Yes I am," Mary said, nodding slightly. 

     "I'm going with you," Billy nodded. 

     "I mean, if you want to," Mary shrugged jokingly. 

     "You're so stupid sometimes," Billy shook his head with a smile as Mary smiled up at him. She connected their lips, Billy cradling her head in his hands. 

     This was what he needed. He needed her. 


eek uh i don't like this chapter that much

but i hope you enjoyed

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