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wasn't in the original publish, but it was requested
warning: mature language

     Mary pulled back the curtain, eyes widening as she saw Billy standing there. She immediately unlocked the window, pushing it up as fast as she could. The strong smell of booze hit her, Mary nearly wincing at him. 

     "What are you doing here?" Mary asked, her voice quiet as to not alarm her mother. It was nearly midnight, so her mom would be asleep. But she was alert recently, so anything could set her off. 

     "Why did you do it?" Billy asked, tears brimming his eyelids. 

     "I don't-" 

     "Why did you break up with me?" Billy asked, taking a step towards the window. She stared at him for a second, then stepped outside herself to talk to him better. 

     "Billy, I'm sorry-" 

     "Are you?" he asked, eyes narrowing at her. He could feel the rage building up inside of him, and his cheeks flushing from anger and adrenaline. "You broke my heart, Mary." She looked at him, eyes watering as she could hear the pain in his voice. "You broke my fucking heart."

     "I didn't want to hurt you," she told him, shaking her head slowly. 

     "You did," Billy said immediately. "You did. You broke me." He pointed at her, almost stumbling back as he could feel himself getting dizzier by the second. He stood up straight again, the drunken words forming in his mind. "I told you that I loved you. You remember that?" Mary didn't respond, looking to the ground as the tears left her eyes. "Do you?" She nodded slightly, taking a deep breath as she was choking up. "I said, 'I love you'. Do you know what you said back? Huh? Do you know what you told me countless times?!"  


     "You said it back!" he yelled, voice cracking as he was beginning to sob. "You told me you loved me. I let you in, I loved you. You knew how I felt! So why, after everything, did leave me?!" Mary looked at him, tears flowing down her cheeks like a river now. "Was it all a lie?" 

     "No, baby, please-" 

     "No, no. No," Billy interrupted her. "D-Did you just lie to me? You wanted to hurt me, to break my heart? You wanted me to get close to you, to love you, a-a-and and you were waiting until you could just destroy it all?!" Mary covered her mouth with her hand, shutting her eyes as she listened to him. "You knew what my mom did to me! She left me! Why are you leaving me?!" Mary shook her head, beginning to back up towards her window again. "No, no, no. Please don't go. Don't go back inside. Please don't leave me again. Just tell me why. Baby, please don't go." Billy tried reaching for her, sobs escaping his lips as Mary was climbing back into her window. "Mary! Mary, don't leave me out here!" She shut the window as fast as she could, locking it and sliding down the wall as she cried into her hands. "Mary!" Billy hit the window, the girl jumping as she clutched her head to block him out. "Mary, please! I-I can't do this without you!" He cried, trying to hit the window again. "You broke me, Mary! Just love me again!" Instead of hitting the window, his hand placed against the glass as he broke down into a full on fit. "I love you. Please come out. I love you." 

     Mary kept her hands over her ears, sobbing herself as she could barely tune him out. Billy wailed as he fell to his knee's, tears hitting his hands, knee's, legs, and the ground. He sobbed with wavered breaths, stomach pumping in tune with himself. He felt like he was going to throw up from the booze and the crying. He leaned his head against the house, body limp now as he had no more energy left to cry. He felt dehydrated, and lost. And he was most definitely still drunk. 

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