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     Hopper had told Billy everything. From what Mary told him, to the night she showed up at his door step. Billy had listened, and only teared up once as he thought about Eliot shoving Mary against a car. 

     "Eliot and Alexander are down at the station now in holding, we're questioning Nadia, the wife, right now," Hopper told him. Billy kept his eyes on the ground, anger boiling up inside of him as he had the full story now. He knew Mary did it to protect him and everyone else, but he didn't know why she continue to ignore him. "Once this all gets cleared up, it'll be taken to court." 

     "Will they be guilty?" Billy asked, hot tears forming in his eyes again. 

     "With this much evidence and eyes witnesses, yes. Any jury that doesn't find them guilty would be stupid," Hopper said with a scoff. "Go home, kid. They released you a while ago. Get some rest, I'll keep and eye on her." 

      "What about her brother? And her mom?" Billy asked, head turning to look at Hopper. 

     "They're on their way. Go home, Billy," Hopper ushered him. Billy just nodded slightly, turning to see that Susan was sitting in his car, waiting for Billy in front of the hospital. He took a deep breath, beginning to walk that way quickly. 

Two Weeks Later

     By now, the entire school had heard of what happened in the parking lot that day. It was spring break, and Mary was spending her time at the court house with about a dozen other eye witnesses who said they'd testify. She was sat in one of the waiting rooms, eyes glued to the table and hands folded on her lap. The lawyer was going over what they'd say, but Mary was barley listening. She wanted to be at her house, still curled in her bed as she listened to Elvis on repeat. 

     "Now, Mary, since he is eighteen, he will go to prison instead of a juvenile detention center. Are you sure you're okay with that instead of probation and house arrest?" the lawyer asked, leaning forward slightly to connect eyes with Mary. 

     "Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's fine," she said quietly, her voice still recovering. 

     "The first witness is going to be Billy since he was the one who defended you. Then Steve will testify, they will call a few witnesses to the stand, and then we'll take a break. If at anytime you want to leave, you can. We'll have someone waiting out here for you." Mary just nodded in response, hating that this was even happening right now. She stood with her lawyers, beginning to walk into the court room slowly. She could see people staring at her, Dustin and all the boys sitting on her side of the court. Nancy and Jonathan were there, along with her mother. She slowly sat at the table, eyes glued to the wood as she could see Alex and Eliot getting walked in by police officers. 

     "All rise for the judge," someone said. Mary stood, and that's when she stopped listening. She went through the motions, then waited until the first witness was called. Finally, Billy's name was announced, and she could hear footsteps walk up to the podium. Mary's head picked up and she saw that Billy was wearing a white button up with black slacks and a tie. He looked professional. 

     "Mr. Hargrove, could you tell me what happened that day in the parking lot with the defendant?" Mary's lawyer asked, beginning to pace in front of the stand. 

     "Uh, yes," he began, eyes going to Mary who seemed scared of his response. "I was walking out of the school, and I saw Alex grab Mary by the wrists. He, uh, he had her shoved up against her car, and she kind of cried out in pain." 

     "How do you know she was in pain?" the lawyer asked. 

     "I've known her since October, and we've come to be quite close. I think I can tell when she's in pain," Billy said with a small nod. Mary smiled lightly at his words, looking down to her hands again. 

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