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     Mary's car rolled up to the party, the girl slumping as she stared at the amount of people already there. She stepped out of the car, looking down to her normal clothes. She shut her car door, walking into the house to hear the music blasting even louder. 

     She looked around for Steve and Nancy, hoping they'd be somewhere in the kitchen. That's where they always decided to hang around during parties. She could hear shouting from the backyard, and walked that way as she was interested. 

     "Forty! Forth-one! Forty-two!" Billy jumped down from the keg, spitting out the beer he didn't swallow. Everyone screamed as he cheered for himself. Mary chuckled a bit as she crossed her arms. Everyone began to chant Billy's name as Tommy handed him back his cigarette. He began to walk inside, seeing Mary standing at the back door with her arms crossed. He nearly stopped to talk to her, but Tommy continued to shove him in. Mary turned and walked through the dancing people, happy to spot Nancy and Steve by a wall. She trotted that way, Steve smiling once she approached them. 

     "Hey, you made it," he said, patting her shoulder. 

     "Yeah, I figured I would rather do this than sit at home with my mom and watch horror movies," Mary said with a small shrug. 

     "Ooh, watch out. Tommy's approaching," Nancy warned her. Mary turned around quickly, going on Steve's other side as Billy approached, too. 

     "We got ourselves a new keg king, Harrington," Tommy spat. 

     "Yeah, that's right!" 

     "Yeah, eat it, Harrington!" Steve pulled his sunglasses off, staring Billy down. Nancy began to walk away, Mary hating that she was stuck in the middle of this.

     "You know, I'm gonna go get a drink," Mary said, breaking the silence. She patted Steve's arm, walking through him and Billy. Tommy watched her walk away, going around Billy to follow. He was quickly stopped by Billy who pulled Tommy back towards him.

     "Off limits," Billy spat. 

     "What? Are you kidding?" Tommy asked like Billy was insane. 

     "Off. Limits," he said again. Steve didn't want to know what that meant, and he didn't really want to find out, either. Mary, in the kitchen with Nancy now, grabbed one of the cups that looked fairly clean, and poured the obviously spiked punch into it. She chugged it quickly, turning to see Steve approaching now as well. Nancy began to drink down whatever was in the punch, Steve's eyes widening. 

     "Hey. Whoa, whoa! Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy," Steve said reaching for Nancy to stop. "Take it easy. Nance, Nance, Nance." 

     "We're just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn't that the deal?" Nancy asked. She filled her cup again, then downed that, too. She wiped the excess liquid from her cheek, then walked out to dance. 

     "What's going on with her?" Mary asked, glancing to the crowd of people that Nancy blended in to. 

     "I don't know," Steve lied. "Just having a hard time since Barb, I guess." 

     "I've been trying to forget about that," Mary spoke. "Which is wrong, but I just don't want to think about how we lost her, and almost lost Will, too. And then... I've been trying to forget." 

    "Is that why you've been distracting yourself so much lately?" Steve asked raising an eyebrow. 

     "Yup," Mary answered. She filled her cup again, taking a larger drink this time. "Anyways, I agree with her. Stupid teenagers for the night sounds good."

     "Hey, why does Billy think he owns you?" Steve asked as he began to follow Mary towards the group of dancing people. 

     "He doesn't. I practically told him to eat a dick earlier," Mary said over the loud music. "Hey, you go have fun with Nancy." 

     "You sure?" Steve asked. 

     "Yeah. I didn't think I'd stick around that long anyways," Mary shrugged. Steve gave her a light smile, going out to where Nancy was dancing. 

     "Thank god, I've been waiting for him to walk away," Billy said approaching Mary. 

     "Didn't I threaten to cut your dick off earlier?" Mary asked, crossing her arms. 

      "Come on, loosen up a bit," Billy said beginning to place his hands on her hips. 

      "Hey, whoa, what the hell are you doing?" Mary asked stepping back from his grasp. 

     "Hey, hey, hey, it's cool," Billy said, pressing his body against hers. "We're just having fun." 

     "Billy, stop," Mary demanded, trying to back away. 

     "You sure, doll face?" Billy asked, his lips lowering to press small kisses against Mary's neck. Out of instinct, she grabbed his hair and pulled his head back. "Ah! Shit!" 

     "I said stop," Mary spat, narrowing her eyes at him. She shoved him back slightly, walking past him and into the crowd. She began to distract herself with dancing and light drinking. She knew she still had to drive home, and didn't want Dustin to see her drunk. So, she danced and ignored Billy's boring gaze on her. Every so often she'd grab a random guy and dance with him, but he'd get pulled away seconds later. 

     Eventually, Mary saw Jonathan Byers walk into the house. A smile grew on Mary's face as she pushed through the crowd and approached him. 

     "Jonathan!" she called. He looked over, smiling a bit as Mary approached him. "I am surprised to see you here. I figured you'd be with the boys." 

     "Yeah, Nancy told me I should come," Jonathan said nodding slowly. 

     "Well, I just saw her spill a bunch of punch on her shirt, so I think she went to go clean that up," Mary said with a small frown. "Anyways, you should come dance. Gotta let loose once and a while." 

     "I think I'm good. Thought I'd stop by for a bit. Once Nancy comes out, I'll say hi and probably leave," Jonathan shrugged again, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I see you're not wearing a costume either?" 

     "No, I don't have the effort to dress up in something slutty or anything else, really," Mary replied. She scanned the crowd, noticing Billy staring right at her and Jonathan. She cleared her throat, turning to Jonathan again. "Between you and me, Halloween is kind of bullshit." 

     "I'd rather be watching movies right now," Jonathan complained. 

     "I hear ya," Mary responded. She saw Steve walk out past her and Jonathan, her eyes watching him leave. "I-I've gotta go. I'll see you later, right?" 

     "Yeah," Jonathan nodded. Mary walked past him and followed Steve out of the house. She watched as he got in his car, beginning to start it up quickly. 

     "Hey! Steve!" Mary called, running up to his car. "Steve!" He looked out the window, sighing as he saw who it was. Mary stopped at the window, Steve rolling it down as fast as he could. "What happened? Where are you going?"

     "I'm going home. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow," Steve told her. He rolled the window up again, Mary stepping back with a sigh. She watched his car drive away from the house faster than usual, her shoulders sagging. She knew Jonathan would take Nancy home, so she decided she didn't really need to be at the party anymore.

     Mary turned and walked to her car, starting it up. Some people shielded their eyes at the headlights, but she backed out and drove home quickly. 


so i finished writing this book
and i sobbed uncontrollably while doing it. 

i'll start updating probably every day or every other day now.
vote and comment if you liked it :)

also, where can i find good gifs? let me know!

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