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warning: mature language
slight violence (?)

     Mary stopped the car not far from the junkyard, nearly tumbling down the hill as she made her way towards where Dustin said they'd be. She was out of it, trying not to think about what had just happened at Billy's house. She reached the bottom of the hill to see Steve setting up, along with Max while Dustin and Lucas were talking. Steve glanced at her, then turned to her completely. 

     "Hey," Steve said. "You okay? Look a little pale." 

     "Yeah, we'll talk later," Mary nodded. 

     "Okay, well, we're boarding up the bus. Help me move this metal to the windows," Steve told her. Mary nodded slightly, beginning to help out with boarding the bus. After boarding up the entire bus, including the door, everyone gathered inside to wait for Dart to come. It was night time now, and everyone was quiet. Lucas on the roof while Dustin, Max, Steve, and Mary all stayed inside the bus. Steve clicked his lighter a few times as Mary was sat next to him, head leaned back against his shoulder. 

     "So, you really fought one of these things before?" Max asked suddenly. Steve and Mary looked over, both of them nodding. "And you're, like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?" 

     "Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear," Dustin snapped. Steve and Mary both rose their eyebrows at Dustin as Max looked shocked. "Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home." 

     "Geesh. Someone's cranky," Max said, beginning to climb the ladder. "Past your bedtime?" Max climbed to the top of the bus, Steve and Mary looking to Dustin. 

     "That's good. Just show her you don't care," Steve shrugged. 

     "I don't," Dustin responded. Steve winked up at Dustin as a small smile grew on Mary's face. "Why are you winking, Steve? Stop."

     "You know, kiddo, I don't think you're playing this very well," Mary said, shaking her head at Dustin slowly. 

     "Playing what very well?" Dustin asked confused. 

     "Steve told me you," Mary brought her voice to a whisper, "like Max." 

     "Jesus, Steve. Can you keep a secret?" Dustin asked, turning to him. 

     "I told her immediately," Steve shrugged. 

     "Okay, then I'm telling her you use Farrah Fawcett spray," Dustin snapped back. 

     "Henderson, you weren't supposed to tell anyone!" Steve complained back. 

     "And I know about your crush, Mary," Dustin said, pointing to his sister. 

     "Steve!" Mary said, picking up her head off his shoulder and glaring at him. 

     "It was a long walk and I got bored!" Steve defended himself. 

     "Okay. If we're playing that game, then I know you told Tommy last year that you wanted to break up with Nancy and be with me. I know for a fact because Tommy and Tina both told me at the New Years party and I purposely flirted with him so you wouldn't kiss me at midnight," Mary ranted to Steve. 

     "Not cool, Mary. Not cool," Steve said, shaking his head at her slowly. There was a sudden growl from far outside the bus, everyone's heads turning to it. The three jumped to the slits in the windows, waiting to see if Dart would show. 

     "You see him?" Dustin asked. 

     "No," the two older ones answered at the same time. 

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