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     Mary wiped the steam off the mirror as she had just finished showering, and she shook her hair out to make it a little less wet. It barely did anything, but just made her hair a bit uneven. She sighed, beginning to get dressed. Once she was finished with that, she left her room and grabbed the assigned reading book for her literature class. 

     She walked out to her living room to see Billy on the couch, talking with her mom. She stopped in her tracks as the two were laughing, mugs in front of each of them. Mary's heart pounded, terrified of what her mother could've already told Billy. 

     "Oh, Mary, sweetheart! We were just talking about you," Mrs. Henderson said, waving her daughter over. 

     "Of course you were," Mary mumbled. 

    "Your mom says you can play the piano," Billy said with a smirk. He picked up his mug, sipping his drink as he looked to Mary. 

     "And several other instruments, and she can sing! Oh, she has a beautiful voice," Mrs. Henderson smiled, clasping her hands together. "W-Why don't you play a song, Mary? I'm sure Billy would love to hear one. I've been talking him up about it that he's probably aching to hear one." 

     "Oh, I don't think he really does," Mary said defensively. 

     "No, Mary, I insist. Play a song," Billy said, motioning to the piano. Mary glared at him, then dropped her book to the coffee table. She walked around the couch to the piano that was against the wall, her fingers resting against the keys. She thought for a moment, thinking of a song to play. She began to play a slower version of Bing Crosby's The First Noel, and jumped straight into the lyrics. 

     The first noel. The angel did say. Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay. In fields where they lay a keeping their sheep. On a cold winter's night that was so deep. 

     Mary continued on with the song, trying to concentrate on the piano and not the eyes that were watching her. She went through the rest of the song without any hiccups, and as her fingers lifted from the final keys, she took a deep breath. Mary slowly turned to see that the kids were in the room now, all of them seemingly awestruck. 

     "Oh, god, someone say something," Mary said, her shoulders sagging. 

     "It was amazing, baby," Mrs. Henderson choked out as she was tearing up. "Just perfect." 

     "Mom," Mary said, tilting her head at her. 

     "Okay, I'm sorry," Mrs. Henderson apologized quickly. 

     "I thought it was great," Lucas shrugged. 

     "Little pitchy," Dustin added. Max hit the back of his head, Mary's eyes falling to Billy who was just smiling widely. 

     "I thought it was..." Billy trailed off, Mary clenching her fist in anticipation, "amazing." She released her tightened fist, a small smile falling on her face. 

     "Well, we're going to go outside and build a snow fort," Dustin announced. 

     "Be careful, honey! It's slick out there!" Mrs. Henderson called after the kids. The garage door shut then, Mary taking a seat next to Billy on the couch. "You know, Mary's got a few scholarships from colleges for her music."

     "Mom!" Mary complained, grabbing her head in frustration. 

     "What? I like letting people know of your achievements," Mrs. Henderson said with a smile. 

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