Chapter 13

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|Your Pov|

2024 June 24th-48th Floor Lindus

"Welcome to Lizbeth's Smith Shop!

"Kirito stop playing with me and just tell what that meant," (y/n) punched me softly, "I've been asking you for a while and you still haven't told me!"

I turned around and saw a girl with pink hair staring at both (y/n) and I weirdly.
"If want to know so bad find then used that little brain of yours!" I laughed at her.
"What do you think I'm trying to doing!" She yelled at me. I walk away from her and made my way to the pink haired girl.

"I'd like to order a custom-made sword."
"Make that two!" (y/n) yelled while jumping on me.
"The metal prices have been rising." She said.

"Don't worry about the money. I just want you two forge me the best sword you have right know."
"Well, you'll have to tell me what stats you want your sword to have."
"I see. " I grabbed both (y/n) and my sword.

"Then could you try to make its stats at least as good as these swords?" I handed her the swords.

"The Elucidator? This is probably counts as a Demon Sword among monsters drops."
"Can you do it?"
"Try this one," she handed me a sword, "this is the best one I've ever forged."

"Let me try!?" (y/n) grabbed the sword from.
"Let's see if it can break my sword!"
"If you break it Im not going to fix that sword!"

"That's to bad!" she yelled, she grabbed her sword off the tablet and hit it against the other one.

|Your Pov|

Crap, !I just broke her best sword!

"AH!!" She quickly took her two piece sword away from me.
"It can't be repaired." She whispered.
After it disappeared she fell straight to the floor on her knees.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" She grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"Actually yeah." I smiled at her, she let go of me.

"Let me get this straight. I can easily forge something that will shatter your sword."She said.
"Oh, I'd definitely want one of those. One that can shatter my sword." Kirito smiled at her.


"The whole process?"I looked at her confused.
"Yeah! Starting from gathering all of the materials!"

"We can do that alone.You might get in the way."I said
"Would you to stop looking down on me?I might look weak,but I am a master mazer."

"Oh, and where do we get the materials?'I asked.
"The west mountain on floor 55th floor. I heard there's a dragon who eats crystals. Rumors say that it's body contain rare metals."She explain.

"The 55th floor,huh? We should really go alo--"

"You need a master smith to collect the metal. Do you two still want to go alone?"She grinned.
"Just behave yourself. I already have (y/n) and she's already a pain in the ass."Kirito laughed.


He smiled at me.
"My name is Kirito and this is (y/n). Let's work together until the sword is complete."
Kirito held his hand out.
"I'm looking forward to this,Kirito and (y/n)"

Kirito drop his hand.

Rejected ha!

"Well I hope we get along well." Kirito smiled.
"Lizbeth." Both Kirito and I said I sync once again. She looked at us a gave us a death glare.

"We'll head to floor 55th tomorrow in the morning."Kirito said.

"Wait before we go I have to ask you something Lizbeth!" I ran up to her.
"What do you want?" She rolled her eyes.

Ms. I have an attitude problem. Someone come
get there friends.

"Do you know what, 'I want to be more then friends mean." She paused for a second and was about to talk, but then she looked at Kirito. I turned ateoubd to looked at Kirito as well and all he did was smile.

"Sorry (y/n), but I don't know what that means."She smiled at me.
"Thank you I guess." I walked away.

|Kirito Pov|

When (y/n) asked Lizbeth about what does "I want to be more then friends Mean. I freaked out, I l started to wave my hands in the air to tell Lizbeth not to tell her.She just started stared at me.
Then (y/n) looked back at me and all I did was smile.

"Sorry (y/n), but I don't know what that means."Lizbeth smiled at her.
"Thank you I guess." (y/n) said while walking toward me.

"Ready to go?" I smiled at her, she nodded and walk outside.
"Thanks Lizbeth." I said while walking out the door.

"(y/n) do you want to go get something to eat?"
"No I don't, I want you to tell me what that means!"
"I'm sorry (y/n), but you have to figure it out by yourself." I patted her head.

"I'm not gonna talk to you until you tell me!" She quickly turned around. I Leaned on her shoulder and whispered in her in.
"Let's see how long that gonna last?"

She quickly looked at me then ran.
"Where are you going!?"I started to laugh.
"Oh crap she really leaving!" I started to run after her.


* * * *

A/n you are still clueless about what that means....I don't blame you i took me a while to understand what that meant.But anyway Hope you like this chapter and stuff don't forget to vote,comment and follow byeee

2019: and another one

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