Chapter 18

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|Your Pov|

"The only boss room is left. Did they use some item to go home?" Klein asked.


"(y/n)!" Kirito yelled while running towards the direction of the bosses room. I ran closely behind him.

That guy is such an idiot! Why would he do this to his men!

"Hey are you okay?!" Kirito yelled.
When I looked over the monster started attacking them.
"W-What are you doing, hurry up and use your teleport crystals!" I yelled at them while trying not to look at the monster.

"We can't, they don't work!" One of the men yelled back.
"But there's never been a trap like this in a boss room before." Asuna said.
"The Liberation Army will never suffer the shame of retreat! Fight we must fight on!" The commander yelled.

"Are you stupid!" I yelled at him, " you're just going to let they die!"
"Whats's going on!" Klein yelled while running to where we were.

"Crystals don't work in there. If we rush in, we might able to open a path for them." Kirito explained to him.
"Can't we do something?" Klein looked concerned.
"Men, attack !" The commander yelled.

"Give it up already!" I yelled.
My eyes quickly went to monster and I noticed he drew back his sword and hit almost all the men. One of the them went flying towards us.

"I got him!" I quickly ran diving to the ground to catch the guy falling.
"Got ya!" I then set him down on to the ground.
"Are you okay?" His helmet disappeared, I looked at him in the eyes and he started to cry.
"T-This can't be happening." The man said before disappearing in my arms.

N-No please no not again. Why must I always see people die in front of me!

I punched the ground.


"No!" Asuna yelled while running towards the beast.
"Asuna!" Kirito yelled. I quickly looked up and towards the direction Asuna went.

I started to run after her. Asuna then jump in the middle of the air and started to hit the beast on his back.

The monster quickly turned around and hit Asuna to the ground, he then drew his sword back and started to aim it at Asuna.

"Faster! Run faster god damnit (y/n)." I yelled while running to Asuna. I quickly took my sword out and and hit the monster sword so it could go in a different direction.

"Fall back!" Kirito yelled at both of us. I ignored him and when for his back just like Asuna did.

"(y/n), fall back!"

"Kirito, but why were the same level!" I yelled at him.
"I don't care, I don't want you to get hurt. Now fall back!"

"Fine." I quickly ran to were Asuna and the others were.

Just in case I should get the sword that Liz gave me.

I quickly when to my items and got the sword out.

"What's that?"Asuna asked.
"Maybe you'll find out in a few minutes."

Kirito started to fight it one on one.

"Kirito! I'm coming!"
" No (y/n)!" He yelled while jumping back.
Kirito started to look around the room.

His thinking about using it.

"Kirito! Go For It!" I yelled at him while holding both my swords in the air.

"Asuna, Klein Please hold it off for a few seconds!" He jumped back and started to go through his items. I quickly ran to him.
"Are you going to use it?"
"Yes, and that doesn't mean your going to help me." He said while getting the sword.

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