Chapter 17

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|Kirito's Pov|

I couldn't believe what I was looking at. This boss is something I never seen before it's huge and powerful. How is it even possible.

"I'm scared."

I quickly snapped back to reality and looked down to see that (y/n) was hugging my arm tightly. She then looked up at me. I just stared back at her worried.

H-Her eyes, they don't look the same as they usually look. They're filled with fear inside of them and it's not just a little, it's a lot. I've never see this side of her. I'm actually worried now.

|Your Pov|

"I'm scared." I clinged myself to Kirito arm tightly. He then looked at me and his eyes began to become bigger, as if he she saw something he's never seen before.

"P-Please lets leave!"

Kirito snapped back into reality and quickly grab both me and Asunas hands and we made a run for it. Just before the monster could see us.

* * * *

"That looked like a tough one."Asuna said.
"At first glance, it looked like it's only weapon is that huge sword, but I'm willing to bet it's got some special attacks up it's sleeve." Kirito explained.
"All we could do is gather people from the front lines and keep switching."

"Would be nice if we had ten people with shields."

"Shields, huh?" Asuna looked at both of us confused.
"What?" Kiritimati looked at her even more confused.

"You two are hiding something aren't you?"
"Huh?," I looked at her also confused, "what's gotten into you?"

"I mean, it's weird, the whole point of using a one handed sword, is so you can use a shield with it." she explained, "but I haven't seen you two never use one. And you two aren't using the sword Liz forged you. So suspicious, if you tell me."

Kirito and I both looked away, but she just kept staring at us.
"Well, whatever," she sighed, "It's rude to harass people about their skills choices."
I let out a huge sigh and smiled at her.
"I know it's kinds of late, but how about lunch?" She asked

"I-Is it something you made!" Kirito and I yelled in unison.
"Indeed, gloves off first though." She pointed at our gloves.

"Yes ma'am!" We both quickly took them off as quickly as we could. I accidentally threw mine.
"Here you two." She placed two plates down, one in front of me and the other in front of Kirito. I looked at it for a hot minutes before taking my first bite.

It's so gooooood

* * * *

Kirito sighed and laid his head down on my lap. I looked down at him and smiled.
""I not a pervert." he stuck his tongue out at me.
"I know." I smiled at him, then started to mess around with his hair. He then reached over and grab my (C/H) hair and pulled It towards him.

"O-Ow, Kirito!" I shut my since eyes since the plain was a little too much for my sensitive head. When I open my eyes I noticed I was closer to his face.

"I just can't stop staring at your beautiful (e/c) eyes." He started to caress my cheek.

I felt my face turning hot and red once again. God only knows how many times I've turn red.

"T-Thank you." I whispered.

I heard foot steps coming our way. He stopped caressing my cheek and then stood up.

"Damn, what a day."

I looked a little closer and saw that it was, Klein and Katie. I looked behind us and notice Asuna was coming as well.

"Whoa Kirito and (y/n) its been so long!"Klein and Katie yelled in unison.

Oh wow I guess they could be twins

"You two are still alive?" I looked at them shockingly.
" and you're still as rude as ever." Katie said, while Klein laughed at her joke.

"Oh what do we have here? You claim you're solo, but why would you have girl with you besides, (y/n)." Klein asked Kirito while looking at Asuna.

"Seems like you already know each other from clearing bosses, but let me introduce you anyway. This is Klein and Katie from Fuurinkazan. This is Asuna from the Kinghts of the Blood Oath." Kirito explained. Asuna stepped away slightly.

"Hey say something." Kirito said while waving his hand in Klein's face.

"I-It's nice to meet you, my name is Klein, I'm 24 single and looking for a girlfr-"

Katie quickly punch Klein in the chest which made him fall backwards.
"Your such a pervert Klein!" She yelled at him.

I looked around our surroundings since apparently this was a reunion, but I could hear someone else coming.

"Kirito," I whisper.

"Is that an army?" Katie asked while pointing at a ground of people.
"What's the zerg guild that occupies the first floor doing here?"Klein asked.

"Ever since they've suffered heavy loose when clearing the 25th floor. they've been focusing more on strengthening their organization instead of fighting in the front lines."Asuna explained.

"REST!" One of the Army men yelled. They all then fell to the ground. I suppose they were that tired.

"I'm Lt. Col. Corbatz from Aindcrad Liberation Army."
"I'm (y/n)," I then pointed at Kirito. "this is Kirito."

"Have you ventured any further than this?"
"Yes, we've mapped out the area up to the boss room."Kirito answered his question.

"I'd like to have the map data."
"Huh? You want it for free! Do you know how hard it is to map out an area." Klein yelled at him.

"We divided information and resources equally to all, maintain order, and fight to free players from this world as soon as possible! That's why you should cooprate with us!" He yelled back at him.


"It's okay," Kirito patted Klein on the back "I planned to make it public anyway after we got back to the city. No big deal."

"No way Kirito your being to nice!"Katie yelled at him.
"I'm not the kinda trade map data." He explains while sending him the map.
"I appreciate your cooperation." The army guy said while walking away.

"If you're planning on fighting the boss, don't bother." I told him.

"That's for me to decide."
"We checked the boss room earlier! It's not something you can handle with a few people! Look at your men, their exhausted!" I yelled at him.

"My men aren't weak to give up on something so trivial! Men stand up already!" They all got up and started to walk away.

"Are they going to be alright?" Klein asked.
"Whatever, I doubt they'd try to fight it the first time they see it." Asuna said.

I started to walk to the bosses room.
"Where are you going!?" Katie yelled
"I'm going to check on them! What else." I yelled backed.

I may be scared of that beast, but I'm not going to just have an ignorant guy lead a bunch of people to their death.

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A/n hope you like this chapter and suff don't forget to vote comment and follow byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeee

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2019: another one.

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