Chapter 16

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|Your Pov|

October 18, 2024 Floor 74: Kamdet

"She's not coming Kirito!"
"Chill out (y/n), I'm pretty sure she's on her way."
I then heard the sound of someone teleporting, I turned around and noticed it was Asuna coming full speed at us.

"Watch Out!" She then pushed me so that way she could save herself from falling only to make me fall to the ground.
"Since when has the ground been so soft?" I started to grip the ground.
"I-It's not." Kirito whispered in my ear. I turn around and noticed that I had landed on him. I then looked further down and noticed I was gripping arm.

"I-I'm so sorry!!" I quickly got up and ran a few feet away.
"It's okay." He smiled at me while getting up from the ground and then dusting off his clothes. I smiled back at him nervously.

I turned around to find Asuna so I could push her myself, but then there she was just laughing her butt off.
"What's so funny!" I stormed up to her.

"N-Nothing.." she waved her hand back and forth like there was a fly around.

Why I should just-

I turn the sound of something teleporting again. I turned around to see the blue circle show up again.
"Look," I pointed at it. "someone is teleporting."

I noticed that Asuna then quickly ran behind Kirito.
"What's wrong Asuna?" I looked at her concerned.

"Asuna, you shouln'd act like this. Let's go to guild headquarters."

It's the guy from the other day! The one that was with Asuna, why is he following her!?

"No! What were you doing outside my house so early in the morning anyway?"

"W-Wait he was what!?" I looked at her even more concerned.

This guy is a whole stalker! What the hell.

"I thought this might happen, so for the past month part of my mission has been to observer you in your selmburg." He explained.

"That wasn't in the guild leader's orders,!was it?"Asuna ask.
"My mission is to guard you, that included at your house."

"No it dosen't idiot!"
"You should stop acting like a bra-"

I quickly ran up to him and slapped him across the face.
"First of all, she isn't a brat. I'm really sorry but we'll be borrowing your second in commander today. Kiritimati and I will take responsibility for her security. We aren't facing a boss today. You can go to headquarters alone." I have him the death glare.

"Hell No!" he yelled, "A low level player like you could never possibly protect her! I am a member of the Knights of The Blood Oath!"

"I can do ten times a better job than you, and that's with out even trying." I smirked at him.

"If you're that certain then it must mean you're prepare to prove it, right?"

A "will you accept this duel" request popped up right in front of me. I was about to accept it but then Kirito grabbed my wrist and then clicking the no button.

"She won't be fighting you," he let go of my wrist, "I will." I looked at him concern but all he did was smile. I nodded my head and walked to where Asuna was.

"I am really sorry about this." Asuna whispered.
"Don't sweat about it." I patted her on the back. "You're our friend, and friends have each others backs, right?" I held my hand out so she could shake it. She smiled at my hand and then proceed to grab it and then finally shaking it.

"Right, you got my back and I got yours."

"Well why don't you look at that, the duel is already over." I pointed at Kirito. He then started to walk over to where we were. I looked at the guy he was fighting with, he had a knife in his hand.

"Kirito watch out!"  I quickly took out my sword. Not even a second pass and I notice the knife flying in the air. I quickly caught.

T-That was close gosh.

"A-Asuna, he cheated! He used some trick to destroy my sword! Otherwise I wouldn't have lost to some beater!"

"Kuradeel, this is an order from the vice commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath. As of today, you are relieved of your escort mission. Stand by the guild HQ until you receive further orders.That is all." He gave Kirito and I  the death glare then teleported away.

"Let's get going guys!"Asuna grabbed our shoulders.
"Yes ma'am!"

* * * *
|Kirito Pov|

Floor 74: Dungeon

Having some people to share this journey isn't so bad after all.

I stoofd there watching Asuna and (y/n) taking on some monsters like some bad asses.

"(y/n) get ready to switch!"


*Slice Slice Slice*

* * * *

"Kirito look." Asuna pointed at a door, we all then started walking towards it.

"Isn't that-"

"I bet it is," i whispered, " the boss room."

"What should we do?" (y/n) asked while grabbing my arm.
"Let's just take a look? Asuna suggested.
"Boss monster never leave the room they guard. If we just open the door, we'll be okay."I explained.
"R-Right."Asuna and (y/n) said in sync.

"Have a teleport crystal, just in case." They both nodded and got them out. "Ready?" I looked at them. They nodded again.
"I'm going to open it." I started to push the door open. When I open the door, the room started to turn blue, and there it was, just standing there way bigger than I expected it to be.

|Your Pov|

My eyes started to widen when I saw the boss standing right in front of us.
"K-Kirito," I grabbed his arm and started hugging it tightly.

"I'm scared."

* * * *

A/n hope you this chappy don't for get to vote comment and follow byeeeee

2019: another one

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