Moving In On My Own | Chapter 1

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     I parked my car and looked over at the building smiling. "Good on ya Aria. All that hard work landed you in the Halo Tower" I spoke to myself as I turned off my engine. I grabbed the smallest box out of my trunk, so that the first trip would be light. A car had just pulled up and three young men had hopped out not too far from where I was standing. One of them noticed me looking at them so I just smiled to be kind, and turned back around to myself.

     "You need any help with those there" I heard from behind me again. Knowing it must have been one of the boys I turned around.
     "Oh.. uhm. No thanks" I said, unintentionally making it very obvious in my voice that I'm not very good at talking to strangers.
     "But surely carrying all of those yourself is gonna take hours" the same one said. He was noticeably the taller one once I saw him next to the other guys properly, and his shorter blonde hair surely stood out.
     "Oh- yea I guess it might. I mean if you guys are willing to help I'd be gassed" I said feeling a little bit more comfortable around them since they seemed like just pretty chill lads.
     "Yea it's not like we've got anything much to do anyways" the other blonde headed boy said while coming over to help grab a box
     "Names Harry by the way. We all live in the tower. We're roommates" The blondy, apparently Harry, said.
     "She probably knows we live in the tower bog. She's not slow like you" the third man finally spoke up. Himself and the first dude who had spoke introduced themselves as Callum and also,,,,, Callum. Although they told me the alternatives so it wouldn't get confusing.

     "So Lux and Freezy aye? What's with the uniqueness?" I asked wondering where these nicknames had come from
     "They're from our YouTube channel names. That's basically it. Not much to it" Freezy told me. He seemed to be the more social one. Or more social towards me.
     "Wait YouTube? Really!?!" I asked surprised and started laughing.
     "Oh here comes all the 'get a real job' jokes" the Harry kid said while we all walked into the lift and I pushed the button for my floor.
     "Nooo. No way. I just found it funny cause I actually do YouTube too. That's how I made all the money to be able to move in here" I said as they all looked at me. "But moving on from me. What are your guy's channels" I asked trying to avoid mentioning too much about my channel. I wasn't ashamed of it in any way. I just always have a fear someone might try and make fun of it.

"Oh uhm. We're Calfreezy, Callux, and Wroetoshaw" Freezy said pointing to each of them.
"Oh gosh. THE Wroetoshaw?! Wow I'm sorry I didn't notice who you were before. Knew the name but not the face" I said laughing and looking down feeling embarrassed over how I probably looked pretty dumb.
"Its all good. I quite enjoy it when people don't already know everything about me" Harry said while smiling over at me.

We walked over to my flat door and I placed my box down so I could unlock the door. We placed all of the boxes down and made a few more trips down to my car before we were done and all the boxes were away in my flat.
"Well thanks guys. I know I took some time out of your day but I'm glad you lot could help" I said smiling as we stood in my new kitchen.
"Of course. We weren't just gonna be sitting in our flat when you would be struggling." Callux spoke.
"I'm sure we never got your name?" Harry said, obviously asking me to tell them.
"Oh right. My names Aria. Pleased to meet you boys today" I said laughing at myself sounding like a dork.
"Well anyways we don't want to be intruding into your day too much and plus we have videos to edit. So we'll be out of your way right now Aria" Callux said as he started to walk towards my flat door.
"I'll be there in a minute boys. I'm just gonna use the loo real quick. Is it okay if I use your restroom?" Freezy asked me in a quiet voice.
"Yea that's fine, I don't mind" I said laughing.

"Okay well catch you in a few Cal" Harry said while walking out my door with Lux.

After the door closed Freezy finally spoke again. "I don't really need to use the loo. I just wanted to ask you something and I didn't want the boys to hear and make it a bigger deal than it is" Freezy said as he walked more over towards me and pulled out his phone.

"Can I have your number maybe. So that sometime we could hang out. Cause I mean- you seem pretty cool and I think it'd be nice if sometime we coul-" Freezy spoke before I interrupted him
"Nah I don't think so" I said rejecting him.
"Oh well I'm sorry for asking. I'll go now. Sorry if I bothered you at all today" Freezy said feeling awkward from the rejection.
"Oh jeez. I'm only kidding mate. Pick your head up and give me that phone" I said as I saw him turning around with a relieved smile on his face.
"Yikes. Thought you were actually a dick right then you joker" he said with a smile on his face as he handed me his phone.
"I couldn't say no to someone as nice as you were to me earlier" I said as I put my number and name into his phone.
"Thanks Aria. Catch you later yea?"
"Yep. Although don't leave my flat too often, so don't expect it to be an often sight" I said as he walked out the door laughing to himself.

Hi :)
So this is a new story of mine and if you read it definitely give me some feedback on how you feel about it please. I've loved watching the sidemen for a few years now. I just loved their personalities. And I recently got back into wanting to write so I thought this story was the perfect chance.

Let me know who your favorite sidemen is. Or favorite out of them and their friends.

Girl at the top is who I see Aria as btw. Her insta is @ lydiamch

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