A Party and a Picture | Chapter 24

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"It's so fucking loud in here!" I yelled over the loud music that was blasting at the party Simon and Jj were currently hosting. Currently me and Will, or square-head, were hitting it off pretty well.
"Do you want to go talk outside for a little!" He asked me, still talking very loud so that I could actually hear him.
"Sure!" I said before we both started to walk towards the door to go outside onto the terrace. We closed the door behind us and stood there with our drinks in our hands, still able to hear the music from inside, but with the sound more faint with the glass door blocking it out.

"What's going on with you and Jj, you two seem really close" Will asked me while taking a sip of his drink after. A cool breeze blew through my hair gently as we stood outside, if I hadn't been wearing Harry's hoodie then I would have been pretty chilly.
"Oh, I'm not sure to be fair. He definitely fancies me, and I think I like him back" I said with taking a sip of my drink after, then putting my cup down on the terrace railing.
"Well I'm glad you can tell that he fancies you. Are you thinking about anything with him at the moment" Will asked me. I didn't understand why he was so interesting in this topic, but it didn't bother me.
"No, I don't think so. I don't wanna ruin the friendship we have now, or make it weird between us and the others" I said with a straight look on my face.
"Makes sense. I'm gonna go find my girlfriend, I'll text you later, maybe I'll get you to film a video with me" Will said before opening up the terrace door again and walking back inside. He had left the door open so the loud music flowed it's way into my semi-quiet spot.

I turned the opposite way of the party and leaned on the edge of the railing, admiring the scenery. I picked up my drink and took a few more sips before my cup was empty. As soon as I was about to turn around and go inside, I heard an unrecognizable voice behind me.

"Hey babe" the voice said from behind me. From what I could tell, the dude was definitely drunk. I turned around to see who it was, but I didn't recognize him at all.
"You just gonna stare or are you gonna say something gorgeous" The dude said slowly with a slight laugh at the end.
"Oh uhm, sorry. I was just trying to figure out if I knew you" I said to him, trying to be nice since I didn't know him.
"You don't know me right now, but I think after tonight, we could know each other pretty well" He said with a weird smirk on his face.
"Hah, yea. Like we could talk or something" I said even though I think I knew what he really meant.
"You're a laugh. I meant we could head back to mine and have some fun" He said, reaching for my shoulder and putting his hand on it.

I looked behind him through the open door and made eye-contact with Vikk, and I think he could sense the uncomfortableness in my eyes, because he began to make his way over.
"I don't think that's the best idea" I replied to the dude as Vikk got closer.
"Why not. Come on, I could do a lot with a body like yours" The man said as he stepped close to me and attempted to put his hands on my waist.

"Hey babe, this dude bothering you?" Vikk asked as he walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulders.
"Oh come on, there's no way you're her boyfriend" The man said with a laugh at the end.
"And why not huh?" Vikk said, still trying hard to get the dude to stop being a bother.
"A girl that looks like her would NEVER go for a dude like you, let's be honest to ourselves bud" The man said with a smirk on his face as he looked Vikk up and down. I could see a tinge of insecureness in Vikk's eyes after what the man said.

"Really? If I wouldn't go for him then why would I do this" I said before turning towards Vikk, placing my hands on the side of his face and bringing him in for a kiss. Vikk places his hands on my waist and we continued to kiss until the man said something.
"Oh, well played then dude. Fuck. Good job" The man simply said before walking away back into the party. Me and Vikk separated and both caught a few breaths.
"Sorry" I simply said to Vikk.
"Don't worry about it, just glad he's gone" Vikk said with a cheeky smile on his face.

I turned to my left and looked into the party, only to see Jj, Simon, Josh, and Tobi all looking out onto the terrace with their mouths wide open. Almost as if they'd seen a ghost. As soon as I had made eye contact with Jj, he turned around and pushed past a few people at the party, just so he could get to the front door. He left, without saying anything at all. He couldn't have possibly been mad at what just happened with Vikk could he? Me and Jj weren't even official, nonetheless, the kiss with Vikk didn't have any special meaning behind it.

I walked up to Josh, Simon, and Tobi with Vikk following behind me.
"Look at what I have right here" Josh said as he turned his phone towards my direction so I could see the screen. He had a photo of me and Vikk kissing right there in his camera roll.
"Listen to me Joshua, I see that anywhere online ever and it's the end of you" I said sternly, which made him laugh and also promise to never let it into the public.
"Good on you Vikram!" Tobi cheered Vikk on by patting his back.
"Shut up" Vikk said simply with a smile on his face.
"Go fund Jj?" Simon said to me, which left me in sort of a confused state.
"Huh?" I quickly said with a confused look on my face.
"Come with me to go find Jj" Simon said as he grabbed my hand and began to lead us to the front door to leave the party.

"Ohhh, sorry. I'm slow sometimes"

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