I Can't Believe You've Done This | Chapter 10

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I was on the lift up to my flat with my earbuds in, listening to my favorite songs of the month. As the lift doors opened I could see someone sitting by my door. Once I walked a little bit closer, I realized it was Freezy sitting by my door on his phone. As he spotted me he put his phone down and took out his camera, he stood up and pointed his camera down the hall at me.

"What the fuck have you done Freezy" I said laughing but still very nervous about what he could have done to my flat. I usually leave my flat unlocked just in case if one of the boys ever left anything over there they could easily come and get it, but now I see why that's a bad idea.
"Well why don't you go in and you'll see" Cal said as he stepped out the way of my door.
     "Oh let me guess. Maybe a bunch of balloons. Maybe you wrapped all my stuff in wrapping paper. Maybe you moved all my furniture around. Fuck off Cal" I said laughing at the end as I put my hand on the door knob and slowly turned it to open up the door.

     "Holy. Fucking. Hell" I said as the door opened and I could see into my apartment. There was a bunch of cardboard cutouts of Cal sitting in my main room, probably about 25.
     "Never leaving my flat for more than 20 minutes at a time now. WHAT THE FUCK CAAAL!" I said annoyed but still laughing at how long it probably took him to do this, and how it genuinely was actually funny.
     "Oh that's no even all. You might wanna check your bedroom" Cal said still pointing the camera at me as we walked over to my bedroom door.
     "I hope this took you longer to do than it takes me to clean, and I'm sure gonna get you back for this" I pointed at Cal.

     I took a deep breath and opened my door with my eyes closed. I slowly opened up my eyes and could see a bunch of feathers covering my floor.
     "Oh nelly" I said as I walked into the room which made the feathers around my feet move around me.
     "You're helping me clean this up" I turned around to look at Cal who was standing in the doorway, not wanting to enter my room.
     "No way! You've gotta do this all on your own" Cal said laughing.
     "NAHH! Someone's gotta help me. Look at this mess" I said picking up a pile of the feathers and letting them fall back down.
     "I WAS GONNA TAKE A NAP AND NOW MY BED IS COVERED IN FEATHERS! UGHHH!" I said frustrated but still plopping down on my bed and acting as if I was falling asleep.
     "Goodnight Cal. I'm gonna wake up and this is all gonna be a nightmare. Otherwise I'm hiring a hitman" I said still with my eyes closed but flipping him off.
     "Oh you never will hire a hitman, well probably. I hope you don't at least" Cal said as he walked back into my main room. I could hear him do his outro, but after that I didn't hear anything else. That is until he came running and screaming towards my bed and jumped on it super extremely.

     "Gosh Cal, you've got serious problems" I said punching his shoulder.

     Freezy had left my flat and went back to his. I asked Harry and Lux if they could help me clean up, but apparently Freezy had already told them not to help. So since they wouldn't, I called up Ethan and Vikk and they both agreed to help me.

     "Thank you so much. Like so so much" I said after we got the last pile of feathers into a garbage bag and brought out to the trash.
     "What are you gonna do with all the ugly Cal's in your flat?" Vikk asked as we took the lift back up to my place.
     "Might try and sell some of them. The profit seems like the best thing I can get out of it, and the ones that don't sell I'm gonna smash" I said walking out of the lift first as the door opened.
     "Ewww. You're gonna smash them all, that's so weird" Ethan said with a little giggle.
     "Oh shut up, trying to make everything sexual" I said while shaking my head at Ethan knowing he could see me doing it since he was walking behind me.
     "How much do you think they'll sell for?" Vikk asked as we walked back into my flat and all began moving the Cal's into my spare room.
     "Not sure. I'll probably start selling them for £15" I told both of the boys.
     "Seems fair. You'll probably get some fans buying them" Ethan said as he moved two of the cardboard cutouts at a time.
     "Well I sure hope they're fans. I don't know what non-fan is gonna but a Calfreezy cutout" I said with a giggle which made Vikk laugh a little bit.
     "Yea yea. Whatever" Ethan said as we continued to move the Cal's and I turned some music on.

     "I think we all deserve a movie night after that" I said sitting down on the couch as the two boys came over right after me and sat down as well.
     "For sure" Vikk said, he hadn't been saying much tonight, but he seemed a little tired.
     "We should invite a few more people over so it's more hype" Ethan said as he pulled out his phone.
     "Ooo. Okay Ethan, good idea" I said as I pulled out my phone too.

     We had texted Harry, Will, Simon, Talia, Gee, Chip, Tobi, Josh, and also Freya. I was so glad that I had just enough places for all of us to sit so we could be comfortable. Sure I had to pull a few beanbags into the room but I'm sure whoever got them wouldn't mind sitting on one. I knew Freya was probably going to volunteer to sit on one.

     Ethan, Vikk, and I, all decided that we would choose the movie before anyone showed up so that it would be a surprise. We decided that we wanted to go for a pretty bad movie, cause we know they always got the laughs out of everyone, and we all loved making fun of them together. I grabbed a bunch of snack as the two boys were naming movies. I put all the snacks on the coffee table I had, and also put a few normal drinks on my counter, along with some beers.

     After looking a few things up we decided on a movie called "Con Air" which starred Nicolas Cage. So you already know it's going to be great.

     Everyone soon showed up, and we began to have one hell of a fun night. Especially towards the end when I took out a little alcohol and a few people got tipsy.

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