Come On Jide | Chapter 32

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     I'd just arrived over at Jide's place to drop off my gift for him. I walked into the flat seeing as the door had been left unlocked.

     "Hey Simon" I said since he was the first person I saw upon walking inside.
     "Hey. What's up?" Simon asked me as he walked over.
     "Is Jide here? We were supposed to exchange gifts with each other. I know I'm about fifteen minutes late but I figured he wouldn't mind" I told Simon as I looked past him and into the flat to see if Jide was around.
     "Oh.... are you sure you got the right day, because Jj headed out this morning and told me he wasn't coming back until late tonight" Simon told me as he scratched the back of his neck.

     "Yea I know I have the right day because I just got back from Harry's where we did the same thing. Jesus! You're telling me Jide really forgot! and to think I actually got him a gift I thought was nice" I annoyingly ranted to Simon as I stormed further into the apartment and collapsed on the sofa with a huge sigh.
     "I'm sure he'll make it up to you Aria. He doesn't like letting you down" Simon tried to reassure me.
     "If he doesn't like it then why does he do it so often Simon. It's like as soon as me and him are getting to a really good place in our friendship he just goes and does stuff like this. It's almost as if I just don't matter to him" I said as I put my head into the sofa sulking.

     "You do matter to him Aria. You don't even know the amount he talks about you to me. I don't know why he's being like this but I'm sure he doesn't mean it" Simon told me in a calming voice as he rubbed my back trying to cheer me up.
     "Thanks Simon. I think I'm just gonna head out for now. When he gets home let him know I stopped by" I said as I got up from the sofa.
     "Bye Aria. Have a nice night" Simon told me as I grabbed Jj's present and walked out of their flat door.

     I walked fast down the hallway and stopped right as I came up to the lift. I pressed the button for it to come up to my floor. I noticed a bin sitting to the right of the lift. Without thinking I took Jj's present and shoved it down the bin. The lift arrived right after and I hopped on. Not the best $500 I've ever spent, especially since it ended up in the bin.

     I was tired of these little mind games Jide was playing with me. One minute we're acting all couple-like, then the next he shows up with some other girl. Then we continue to be really good friends and everything seems to be going well, and then bam he forgets the plans I had made for us and that I had talked about for weeks. I don't know what he wanted from me or what he still wants from me, but whatever it is, he's not getting it.


I arrived back to my flat to see Jacob sitting down on the sofa and watching some random youtube video on the tele.
"Hey Jacob" I said as I immediately walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of crisps to snack on.
"Hey Aria. Oh! You look really pretty" Jacob said as he turned around to talk to me.
"Thank you. I didn't get to see you earlier today before I left for Harry's. Also.... I wasn't really supposed to be back here so soon but Jj didn't show up for the plans I made the two of us" I complained to Jacob as I went over to the lounge and sat next to him on the sofa.

"I'm sorry Ari. Aye that kinda rhymed. Anyways, I really am sorry he did that to you. You don't deserve to be treated like that. He's a bellend" Jacob said, in attempts to cheer me up.
"It doesn't matter to me anymore. I've gave him his chance, he can expect to just be acquaintances with me now, and nothing else" I said as I crossed my arms across my chest.
"Yea that's right! You show em! I thought you really liked him though?" Jacob questioned me.
"You're right. I DID, past tense is important here" I told Jacob as I grabbed the remote and turned the volume up on the tele, signaling to him that I didn't want to talk about it anymore.


I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw a message from Harry.

'heard about what happened with jj'
'you should come over and hang out. us and the boys can go to Nando's'

"I'll see you later Jacob. I've got different plans now" I said with a smile as I replied to Harry saying that I would be coming over. I grabbed a coat and made my way out the door.

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