At the House | Chapter 9

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     I woke up startled as a loud scream came from the room next to where I was. I looked around my surroundings and remembered that last night I fell asleep in Jj's bed. Looking around the room quickly, there was no sight of Jj so that must have been him in the other room, up and recording. I had been wearing a big t-shirt of Jj's throughout the night, he didn't want me to fall asleep in my date clothes.

     After checking my social media I finally decided to get out of the bed and head out into the main living area. I spotted Josh standing in the kitchen as I began to walk over.

     "Hey Josh. Feel like we have never really been able to chat much" I said as I sat down in one of the stools near the counter.
     "Yea. I feel the same. You seem pretty cool it's a shame we haven't properly talked until now" He stated as he looked through the fridge. Presumably for something to eat for breakfast. Thinking about breakfast made my stomach growl pretty loudly, seeing as though I hadn't eaten since my night out with Jj, and usually I have a midnight snack.
     "Bit hungry aren't we. I'll make us both something then" Josh said pulling some eggs out of the fridge and some other things out of the cabinets.
     "Thanks Josh. I'll be back in a few. I'm just gonna see what everyone else is up to" I said as I stood up from my stool and began to walk away.

     "Simonn!!" I yelled as I walked close to his recording room.
     "What is it" I could hear him say as I began to open up the door. I completely forgot to answer him as soon as I saw Talia sitting in a chair next to him.
     "TAL!" I screamed as I ran over to hug her after she jumped out of her seat excitedly. We sat there for a good 15 seconds hugging before Simon decided to butt his lanky self into me and Talia's girly moment.
     "Appreciate you stealing my girlfriend and all Aria, but I really need her attention so we can finish this video really quick. But feel free to get all girly and whatever together later yea?" Simon told me nicely, obviously asking if it was okay for me to leave.
     "Sure Simon. See you later Tali" I said giving her puppy dog eyes as I walked out of the room backwards.

     "Aye Aria might want to watch ou-" Simon began to say but was too late. I had backed up into Jj, which he was definitely waiting for. As I started to turn my head around he stopped me by picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.
     "AH JJ STOPPP. IM SO GONNA DIE! AND IF I DON'T, THEN YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S DEAD JIDE!!" I yelled as he ran around the house with me. A few times almost banging part of my body into door frames, lights, and many other objects. Finally once he ran into the lounge room he decided his run was over with and he dumped me from his shoulder, onto the couch.

     He layed down after me, but I soon crawled my way on top of him and began to hit his chest and yelling at him as he just layed there and laughed loudly.

     "Oh. What's going on here now then" I could hear someone say as I looked over to the front door to see Ethan, Tobi, Harry, and Vikk all walking in.
     "Oh it's nothing. Just- yea nothing" I said as I hopped off Jj and sat down on the couch normally.
     "Is it a recording day for you lot" I asked as I wondered why they were all here, apparently usually it was either only a few of them, or just one person would be missing.
     "Yep. We're doing a few moresidemen videos so we can get some lined up, I know the fans will like more videos instead of constant compilations" Vikk said as he went over to one of the lounge chairs and sat down.
     "Are we going to the studio to record them or what? And yes I said 'we' because we should all know I'm going, just so I can stand behind the camera and laugh" I said as I looked at my phone to see the time. 12 exactly.
     "Yep. We're probably gonna record one video here, but then the others are going to be at the studio. I think we're going to be doing another game show type one, which will take a while to get done" Tobi said seeming like he knew everything that was about to go on today.
     "We're just going to chill here for a few hours though right, cause I don't think anyone's really ready to record right now" I said as I heard Josh call me from the kitchen.
     "Yea we're definitely gonna wait a bit" Vikk said as he played a game on his phone.

     "ARIA!" Josh called for me again.
     "GODDAMN. IM COMING JOSH!" I yelled back to him as I hopped up from my seat and ran over to the kitchen, happy to eat my breakfast he made. As long as it actually tasted good anyways. Which was debatable. It was a little bland, if that's the right word for it. Something about it definitely showed that Josh had cooked it.

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