Meeting Ethan | Chapter 2

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     It had been roughly two weeks since my last encounter with all of the boys at once. Since then I'd talked to Freezy a little bit over text and had seen Harry in the lift once. Apparently he was heading over to the sidemen house to film with the boys.

At this point most of my boxes were emptied out, not having much to take out anyways. My flat was still bland for the most part but I plan to make it more representative of me. I already put some colourful LED lights around in my bedroom and put my 100k and 1mil subscriber plaques up on the wall behind where my new desk is positioned.

Freezy had FaceTimed me and asked if I wanted to come up a few floors to their flat to hang out. He offered to come down and pick me up from my flat though since I didn't know how many floors up his was and so I wouldn't look so lost trying to look at all the flat numbers.

I put some crisp I had been snacking on away in the cupboard as I heard someone knocking on my door.
"Coming Freeze" I said as I grabbed my small backpack containing my laptop and a few other things. I skipped myself over to the door and opened it with a smile.
"Thank you for coming to get me so I didn't look dumb" I said giggling. I walked outside of my door and closed it behind me locking it.
"You're gonna have to get over not wanting to look dumb sometime ya know?" Freeze said as he looked down at me.
"Oh I'm aware. Just doesn't seem like the right place" I said as I pulled out my phone to check the time. 8pm.
"Oh but I'm sure it's the perfect place. Race you to the flat loser owes the winner £10" Freezy said in an energetic voice as he started to run.
"THIS IS SO UNFAIR I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE IT IS!" I yelled but ran after him anyways.

Finally he stopped running up the stairs and started running in a hallway which I assumed their flat was in. I was right behind him and decided to run a little bit faster and then jump on his back. He caught me and balanced himself again as he continued to run while giving me a piggy back ride. I noticed a door start to open and out walked Callux recording on his camera. Freezy stopped at the door but still held me on his back.
"Awww. So that's what all the noise was. You too couldn't be any more cute" he said as he pointed the camera towards us.
"Yea that's not going in Lux. I'm not having your vlog watchers think I have a girlfriend. I don't need that drama right now and I'm sure Aria doesn't need people on her channel thinking that" Freezy said trying to explain to Lux why he can't put it in his vlog.
"I mean.... wouldn't mind if people thought I was with you" I said with a small smile as I jumped off of Freezy's back and walking into the flat.
"Cal, I bet you got a crush!" I could hear Lux say behind me as I jumped on the couch next to Harry.
"Ohh shut up" Freezy said as him and Lux both sat down on the couch too and turned a show on.

"HEY TOSSERS!" Someone yelled as they walked into the flat. I turned my head over towards the door with a confused look on my face and the dude started to blush.
"You lot didn't tell me someone new was gonna be over. Damn probably made a horrible first impression" He said laughing really loudly and coming to sit down on the couch.
"Ethan, this here is Aria. And Aria that's Ethan" Callux introduced me to the man.
"OH! You actually are Aria! I thought I recognized you from somewhere" Ethan spoke.
"You know about her channel?" Harry asked confused but interesting.
"Yea a little bit. But mostly know her from Instagram. I really like your fitness posts" Ethan said as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and continued to go to my Instagram.

Once he got to my page he clicked on a photo and showed it to the rest of the boys.
"Could've just said you like seeing her arse" Harry said quickly as he walked into the kitchen to get some crisps for us all"
"No uhm. That's not why Harry. Shut up" Ethan said laughing and putting his phone away. Soon all the other boys were pulling out their phones and following me on Instagram, which of course I followed them back.

"Lux. You should definitely let me style you for an Instagram post" I said as I scrolled through his feed.
"We can make it into a YouTube video too. For either of our channels. Whoever wants it I guess" Lux said sounding relieved to have a YouTube idea if I let him have the video.

"Yea. Okay let's definitely do it some time soon, and it can be for your video. Maybe one of those 'my friend styles me for a week' things" I said still talking exclusively to Lux with all the other boys just listening in.
"Sounds good to me. Thanks anyways" Lux said to me.

A few hours later at about 1am I told the boys I was gonna head home since I was started to get a little tired and didn't wanna accidentally fall asleep there like Ethan did. I had gotten really close to the boys tonight. There was still a lot to figure out about them though. Harry said in two days he'd take me over to the sidemen house if I wanted to go. Which of course I told him I'd love to go. Apparently they're having a small 'party' thing. It's not much of a party really just inviting some of their close friends over. Harry said he'd invite me over before it starts though so I could see the filming of one of their main channel videos.

I was quite excited to meet the rest of the group, and hopefully some girls that I can relate with.

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