Club With The Boys | Chapter 6

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     Later in the night Simon had offered that we all go out to a club with a few other people. Obviously I accepted the offer to go, I haven't had a club night out in a while. I would love to have a girls night out sometime, maybe I'd ask Talia and Freya.

     Simon, Jj, Ethan, and me all got into an Uber with each other. While Tobi, Harry, and Will all got into an Uber together. We were going to be meeting up with Josh and Vikk there too, and possibly Talia would be there.

     "Ayye we're here!" Jj yelled quite loud in excitement as he opened the Uber door and went to walk inside the club.
     ".... wasn't Jj supposed to pay the driver?" I asked while looking at Simon.
     "Yep, but I'll pay. Just means he's buying us all a round of drinks later" Simon said with a smirk as he hopped out of the seat with me following right after.

     I handed the bouncer my id and he let me in. As soon as I walked in the door I could feel the heat created from all the drunk people dancing and all the people making out either on the dance floor or in the corner of the club in the booths. For the few years that I've been able to get into clubs they were never really my thing to do alone, being alone in a club scared me most of the time. Although I loved going in a group and surely tonight I'll have an amazing time.

     "There's Vikk, Josh, and Talia" Ethan said pointing over to one side of the club.
     "What where. I can't see them!" I said quite loudly so he could hear me over the blasting music.
     "Here just come with me" Ethan said as he turned around to me and held his hand out for me to grab so someone in the crowd wouldn't accidentally separate us.

     We finally reached where they were and we all decided to go grab a booth together since we didn't feel like dancing right now and wanted to have some drinks. We all started to talk about a bunch of random things for about 15 minutes before I offered to get drinks for everyone.

     I walked up to the bar and waiting for the bartender to finish talking to the person next to me so I could ask him for a round of drinks. As I waited for him to make the last drink some guy that seemed to be around his late 20s walked up to me.

     "What's your name gorgeous?" He asked with a smile on my face.
     "Oh uhm.. it's Aria" I said back with a small smile trying to be nice, although I looked back over to the bar showing I didn't want to engage in a conversation.
     "Oh come onnn, why don't you want to talk to me kitten" He said as I could hear him slur his words indicating that he was definitely pissed.
     "Please don't call me that, and I'm sorry but I've got to get back to my friends so bye" I said after the bartender had put down the last drink on my tray. I started to turn around to walk away but the man grabbed my arm.
     "What's your problem, I'm just trying to get to know you!" He slightly yelled at me which caught me off guard. "You're being so rude. What the fuck is wrong with you. I bet you're a virgin, no way somebody who has experience would treat a man like that" He said as I just stood there in shock not knowing what to say in the moment.
     "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude... I just... I wanted to be with my friends.. and I don't really know you" I said shyly not knowing how he would take it.
     "Yea of course you don't know me, that's the whole reason I came over here to talk to you. I wanted a quick shag in the bathroom but of course you're not up for that" He said slurring his words even more and staring me in the eyes hardcore.
     "Yea one-night stands aren't really my thing I'm sorry" I said debating in my head if I should try and walk away or not.
     "They don't need to be your thing" He said as he grabbed my wrist and started to pull me away from the bar harshly.
     "Stop. Let go you arsehole" I said trying to pry his hand off my wrist.

     "What the fuck are you doing with your hands on my girlfriend" Jj said as he stood in front of the man and blocked his walkway to the bathroom.
     "Oh.. uhm. This is your girlfriend? Sorry bro. She told me she was single" The man said as he let go of me and put his hands up in the air. Jj was a lot bigger than this man and I'm sure Jj was intimidating to him.
     "Now I suggest you walk away before I knock you out" Jj said harshly staring straight into the mans soul. The man quickly walked away looking over his shoulder to make sure Jj wasn't following him.

     "Thank you Jide" I said as I gave him a big hug and as he embraced me in his arms leaving my head laying on his chest.
     "Of course. Wasn't gonna let anything happen to you. Now let's go get those drinks" He said smiling down at me as we were still hugging.

     Later in the night after many drinks had entered my body, me and Talia stood on the side of the dance floor dancing, while all the boys except Vikk were over doing silly dances a little bit aways from us. Vikk was still sitting in the booth and he was just on his phone for most of his time alone.
     I told Talia I would be right back and that I had to go to the bathroom so she headed over to dance with the boys. Although I really wasn't going to the bathroom. I was just going to hang out with Vikk a little bit so he didn't feel lonely.

     As I snuck up behind where Vikk was sitting. I looked over his shoulder at his phone and saw he had recorded a video of my dancing on his Snapchat and sent it to Lachlan adding a caption that said 'i'm glad she's having fun with us. God she's so cute'
     I was going to sneak up on him and scare him but I decided to just walk around the side of the booth and say hi normally so he wouldn't know that I saw the video.

     "Hi Vikky" I said as I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.
     "Hey. What's up" he said as he locked his phone and placed it on the table.
     "I don't know. Just felt like coming over here with you" I said as I took my head off his shoulder and turned my body to face him.
     "Come dance with me" I said with a huge smile on my face.
     "Oh I don't know. I'm not the best dancer" He said as he looked from me over to the dance floor.
    "Look at all your friends Vikk. They're horrible dancers and still having fun. It's not about if you're good or not, it's about just enjoying your time" I said as I grabbed his hand and we stood up from the booth.
     "Fine. But only for you this once. Don't expect me to do this ever again" He said laughing as he allowed me to drag him onto the dance floor.

     We started to do a bunch of funny dances and couldn't stop laughing at each other. Of course Vikk couldn't resist the urge to do a few fortnite dances. Which let me tell you. When he did the 'Take the L' dance, a group of girls walked past us and just looked at us in disgust. That let me and Vikk laughing hysterically. I had to hold onto his shoulder to balance myself while laughing, otherwise I think I would have fell.

     I had a few more drinks and shots and was now sitting in the booth leaning my back up against the wall hiccuping every now and then from how pissed I was at the moment.
     "Come on Aria, we're leaving now" I could hear Josh's voice yelling over the music.
     "Ugh fineee" I said sliding to the edge of the booth and trying to stand up but failing miserably and almost falling over, but thanks to Tobi I didn't fall, he caught me.
     "Gotta be careful there" Harry said as he laughed at me and how pissed I was.
     "I'm perfectly good" I said with a huge smile on my face. "Taliaaaa, come here" I said taking a few steps towards her and giving her a huge hug.
     "Drunk Aria is about to steal your girl Simon" Josh said with all the boys along with Talia laughing at me.
     "Stop bullying meee" I said with a fake sad face as I looked back at the boys.

     "I'll get me and Aria our own Uber and I'll help her get into her flat" I heard Ethan say as he came up next to me and put his hand around my waist to help me not fall.
     "Sounds good. We'll figure all the other groups out, you two can head out" Simon said smiling at us.
     "Let me help you put her in the car" Jj said walking along side me and Ethan as he held my purse.

     As soon as Jj and Ethan helped me into the car I started to tear up and started to cry.
     "woah wait. Aria what's wrong" Jj said worriedly poking his head into the car.
     "I just... I just.*hiccup* I love you guys so much. You're so niceee" I said sobbing towards the end.
     "I love you too and I know all the boys do also. I'll see you later kid" Jj said as he moved out of the way so Ethan could get inside the car.

     Ethan closed the car door behind him and the driver started to drive away. I turned around in my seat and looked out the back window waving to Jj as I cried even more. I was such a mess when I got drunk.

     I started to rant to Ethan about all the boys and how I think they're all so great, and even about how amazing and talented I think Talia is. He sat there and listened to me as laid my head down in his lap. I continued to speak softly as I started to doze off into a sleep. Ethan started to run his fingers through my hair to calm me and help me fall asleep faster.

     Next thing I knew. I had stopped talking completely and was fast asleep in the backseat of an Uber laying on Ethan's lap. All while I had tear stained cheeks.

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