Staying Over | Chapter 47

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     "So you're saying Katie didn't cheat on me?" Harry asked after I had explained the whole situation.
   "Yes Harold. She didn't cheat on you" I told him with a sigh after.
   "Thank god. I knew it didn't seem like her to do that. I'm glad you told me about the situation even if it wasn't true, cause if it was I would've wanted to know" He told me as I could hear him stand up out of his chair.
   "You're welcome Bog, by the way Katie's coming to Guernsey tomorrow, so maybe you can see her and make things right" I told him with a smile on my face, I was happy knowing that they could be a happy couple again.
   "You're the best ever Aria. I love you so much" Harry told me, obviously meaning it in a friendly way. Although it still gave me butterflies, along with every other time he had said those words to me. I had always had a slight crush on Harry since the moment I met him, but when I found out he had a girlfriend, he was definitely off limits. He had fancied me at one point too, and I knew that thanks to the Cal's, but I wasn't one to be a homewrecker. I don't think my tiny crush on him will ever disappear which makes it interesting to be such good friends, although I don't think about him as often anymore, especially since I have Jide now. He made me happy, and I wouldn't want to ruin that in any way.

It was now a few hours later and I was back at Jide and Simon's flat. I decided that even though me and Jacob were on good terms now, that I wanted to be with Jide. I had brought over some new clothes since I was going to be staying there for a while and didn't want to wash clothes 24/7.

"I'm glad you're back" Jj said as he pulled me into a big hug.
"Come on Jide stop being a baby, I wasn't gone for that long" I joke with him as I accepted the hug.
"Yes you were! It was almost an hour" Jide complained as he picked me up and started heading towards the sofa.
"An hour is not long Jide! I swear if you drop me we're gonna have issues!" I yelled at him as it felt like his grip was becoming looser.
"Then I guess we're gonna have issues" Jide said as he flipped me onto the sofa and let out a loud laugh.
"You cunt! You scared me!" I yelled at him as I hit him in the arm.

"Oh come on! Stop being a baby" He said, mocking me of what I had said earlier.
"Jide. Did you know that I hate you?" I asked him as I gave him a death glare.
"Oh I definitely know" He said as he leaned in, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Now I've got to go film a video I'll talk to you soon. Simon's streaming right now by the way" Jj let me know as he started to walk to his own room. I knew exactly why Jj told me about Simon, he knew what was going to happen.

"Oh Simonnnn!" I yelled as I ran towards his room.
"Oh no. Guys Aria's coming" I could hear Simon tell his stream before I walked in.
"What are we playing boy" I asked him as I pulled a chair from the other side of his room and sat in it.
"Marbles right now but probably some more house flipper after" Simon told me as he read his chat.

I looked over at his chat and it was just a bunch of people freaking out about seeing me since me and Simon weren't commonly seen together, but everyone loved us as a friend duo. Although Simon's streams
"You're playing Marbles! Hold on hold on I wanna join!" I told him as I pulled out my phone and quickly went to twitch to join.
"Okay chat we're gonna have to wait about another minute" He told them. While I was getting everything ready and typing in !play a few times he read out some donations and subs.

"Okay I'm ready" I told him as I watched his screen. He started the marbles and my marble was nowhere to be seen, it was probably caught in the big mush of his viewers marbles.
The round had finished and he went to check where I had placed.
"You're number 438! You did so shitty Aria!" Simon said with a laugh.
"Hey! It's not like I could control it myself! I say it's rigged" I said as a joke and pretended to act mad that I didn't win.
"You already have a sub anyways so it's not like you need to win" Simon reminded me with a laugh.
"I mean you're right" I said as I closed his stream on my phone and placed it down.

"Let's do two more rounds of marbles and then Aria can watch us play house flipper" Simon talked to his chat.
"What's house flipper?" I asked him, since I wasn't aware of too many games unless they were insanely popular at some point.
"You'll find out soon. Be patient Aria" Simon joked with me, especially since I was one to ask a lot of unimportant questions.

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